Ministries Meeting to Arrange The Revision of PP 33/2007
Kembali 02 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to follow government regulations to implement the New Normal program, the Directorate of Regulatory for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Mineral (DP2FRZR) held a online meeting on the drafting of government regulations to replace PP No 33 of 2007 concerning Safety and Security of Radioactive Substances on June 30, 2020. This meeting has reached the stage of discussion between ministries/institutions (K/L) or commonly known as PAK/L meetings, attended by 46 participants like National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC), National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), and Ministry of Labour.

The meeting was opened by the Director of P2FRZR Taruniyati Handayani. In her remarks, she said that the drafting of this government regulation reached cross-sectoral which might be able to offend the scope of ministries / institutions with the aim of among other things to gather the general view of PAK / L team members towards the draft government regulation substituting PP No. 33 of 2007. Furthermore, the Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment of BAPETEN also gave thanks to the PAK/L team members who were present and supported the implementation of the draft government regulation.

Taruniyati also gave a presentation related to the points of change contained in the draft government regulation in lieu of PP No. 33 of 2007. Changes include the importance of justification for new technology, increased patient protection, worker supervision, development of safety & security standards, harmonization with nuclear legislation, and others. The meeting is followed by discussion and submission of editorial improvement suggestions or problems faced by the K/L that may need to be accommodated in the draft regulation. One of the topics was the subject of lengthy discussion, related to the case at DJBC regarding the disposal and destruction of imported goods which turned out to be radioactive waste. This case has not been accommodated in any regulation, so further discussion is needed in the Group Discussion Forum (FGD).

In the future, it is hoped that this will be the beginning of creating harmonious government regulations and can accommodate problems related to the safety and security of radioactive substances that are often encountered in the field. (Aisiah / DP2FRZR / is / BHKK)




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