International Radiological/Nuclear (I-RAD) Training for Emergency Response Course
Kembali 30 Oktober 2023 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN is hosting the International Radiological/Nuclear (I-RAD) Training for Emergency Response Course, which will be held by the United States Ministry of Energy on 30 October 2023, in Jakarta. This event is nuclear preparedness training in terms of planning, practice, and evaluation.

Present at this activity were representatives from the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS), the Biological and Radioactive Chemical Unit (KBR), Brimob Polri, the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan), the Ministry of Health, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the National Police Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor), Nubika TNI, the National Border Management Agency, and the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) BAPETEN, and experts from the United States Ministry of Energy.

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The event was opened by the Director DKKN BAPETEN Zulkarnain, who expressed his appreciation to the United States Ministry of Energy for sponsoring this nuclear preparedness training. "This training is designed for first responders to understand the fundamentals of responding to a nuclear emergency so they can better protect personnel and the environment," he added.

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National Nuclear Security Agency-United States Ministry of Energy Expert Joseph Cope in his presentation explained the role of Nuclear Incident Policy, Cooperationand and objectives of this nuclear emergency training. He explained that the aim of I-RAD training was to increase personnel competency in responding to nuclear emergencies. The activity continued with presentations from experts from the National Nuclear Security Agency-United States Ministry of Energy Scott Downing on Basic Concepts of Radiation, Radiological and Nuclear Security Threats by expert Dave LePoire and an Overview of Radiation Detection by expert Guise.

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Apart from the presentation of material by experts, participants in this training also practiced nuclear emergency response on the 3rd and 4th days of training. This activity will last for 5 days until 3 November 2023.


It is hoped that this activity can be a means of increasing the nuclear emergency response capabilities of first responders, providing a place to exchange experiences with experts, and forming a national nuclear security synergy in Indonesia. [BHKK/Da/VR/OR]

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