Inspections in the Jabodetabek, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara Regions
Kembali 20 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

In the period from 10 to 15 June 2024, the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR), held four supervisory activities in the form of inspections of business actors utilizing Ionizing Radiation Sources (SRP) located in Jabodetabek, South Kalimantan, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).


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In the inspection in the South Sulawesi Industrial area, this activity was led by Mukhlisin with team members Darwin Firnandus and Samsiatun Mudzkhiyah. Inspection activities of industrial facilities in this region online include, among others, the Makassar Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (Makassar BBPOM), which received a Safety and Security Indicator (IKK) of Less (Red); the Indonesian Classification Bureau (Persero) Makassar, which received an IKK of Less (Red); the Class II A Sungguminasa Narcotics Penitentiary (Lapas), which received a Less (Red); Comextra Majora, which received an IKK result of Very Good (Green); Panrita Teknindo Mandiri, which received an IKK result of Very Good (Green); Semen Bosowa Maros, which received an IKK result of Sufficient (Yellow); and Semen Tonasa, which received an IKK result of Good (Green).


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Meanwhile, the Jabodetabek Team is chaired by Gloria Doloressa, with members Bambang Riyono and Lukas Wisnu Wicaksono. In its inspections at Health Facilities in the Jakarta-Bekasi area, including the Berkat Agung Bekasi General Clinic which received an IKK value of Less (Red), RSUD. dr. Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Bekasi City by obtaining a Good IKK score (Green), Pratama Clinic of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) by obtaining a Poor IKK score (Red), Dewa Medika Cakung Clinic by obtaining a Poor IKK score (Red), Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso Infectious Disease Hospital (RSPI) by obtaining a Fair IKK score (Yellow), Cilincing Regional Hospital by obtaining a Fair IKK score (Yellow), Ciracas Regional Hospital by obtaining a Good IKK score (Green), and Tanjung Priok Regional Hospital by obtaining a Very Good IKK score (Green).

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Furthermore, in the industrial inspection in South Kalimantan chaired by Lukas Wisnu and team members Puji Hastuti and Rizki Ridhallahi, the results were that the Syamsudin Noor International Airport facility obtained a Good IKK score (green), PT. Barito Pacific Timber received a Poor IKK (red), Class IIA Banjarmasin Prison received a Fair IKK (yellow), Class I Martapura Children's Special Development Institution received a Poor IKK (red), Class IIB Banjarbaru Prison received a Fair IKK (yellow), Galuh Cempaka Banjar Baru City received a Poor IKK (red), Geodrilling Indonesia received a Poor IKK (red), PT. GEOXP Banjar (facility is no longer operating, Radioactive Substances (ZRA) moved to Bandung City), INTILOG Indonesia (facility is no longer operating, ZRA moved to Balikpapan).

While facilities that are not permitted to run X-ray machines have to process utilization permits through OSS, which is integrated with Balis Perizinan 2.5, it is anticipated that facilities that have received a good and very good IKK predicate will continue to maintain their radiation safety performance. (DIFRZR/Dwicahyadi/BHKK/GP)

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