Indonesia-Japan Strengthens Cooperation on Nuclear Safety and Security
Kembali 25 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Indonesia's success in strengthening human resources in the field of nuclear security is inseparable from the cooperation between the Indonesian government and Japan. Since 2015, BAPETEN and Batan have transferred knowledge and technology with the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Safety (ISCN) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).

The forms of cooperation between the two countries vary from conducting various types of training, sending BAPETEN and Batan staff sent to Japan to conduct research and system development also included in this part of the cooperation program. This is important so that staff who have been assigned can transfer knowledge back to their counterparts in the country.

Do not miss the sending of ISCN JAEA experts to Indonesia to become lecturers in a number of trainings conducted by BAPETEN and Batan. The ISCN also helps and cooperates in the development of a physical protection system laboratory, in addition to the expert exchange. The purpose of this cooperation is to strengthen the nuclear security network in the Asia Pacific region.

To discuss further cooperation, the two countries held a meeting at the BAPETEN Building, Jakarta, Monday (2/25/2019) morning. Attending this occasion were Head of BAPETEN Education and Training Center Lukman Hakim, Head of Batan Sudi Ariyanto Training Center, ISCN JAEA delegation including Masahiro Okuda, Yosuke Naoi, Megumi Sekine, and a number of BAPETEN and Batan employees.

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Through his remarks Lukman said, nuclear security is a sensitive issue because it involves radioactive material to acts of terrorism. "This issue is a shared responsibility, not only the government but all citizens," he said.

Lukman further hoped that through this meeting Indonesia and Japan could exchange knowledge and experience, not only techniques and methods, but training and guidance related to safety culture, so that it would continue to grow along with the use of modern nuclear technology.

Meanwhile, Sudi hopes that through this cooperation, it can produce competent human resources in the field of nuclear security. Indonesia which is considered to have advanced in the nuclear security culture field will share in this meeting so that it can be developed in Japan.(bhkkp/pd/ip)




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