Inauguration of Primary High Leader Officers in BAPETEN
Kembali 17 September 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Based on the Decree of the Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency No. 1869/K/IX/2020 dated 16 September 2020, the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto inaugurated and took an Oath/Promise of the Primary High Leader Officers (Echelon II) in BAPETEN on Thursday, 17 September 2020.

In his remarks, the Chairman of BAPETEN said that the existence of Covid-19 was a challenge for BAPETEN to continue to carry out nuclear surveillance in order to apply the principles of Safety, Security and Safeguard.

"Safety is a habit, like a person riding a motorbike, even though we have never had an accident throughout life, we still have to wear a helmet," he said.


Regarding the implementation of the main duties and functions of BAPETEN, Jazi said that for BAPETEN, licensing activities are not a problem, because so far it has been implemented virtually and permit requirements can be evaluated by online. For inspections, clearly affected, but we are keeping the task of monitoring to be carried out by implementing health protocols.

"Therefore, IT functions can be improved during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the future, inspections may also be carried out through video calls," he said.


Furthermore, Jazi said, "Mr. Dedik Eko Sumargo's experience in making I-CoNSEP at DKKN was succeed. Therefore, it is hoped that it can be applied in General and Organizations Bureau (BUO), in other fields which is different, and then can continue to oversee the implementation of procurement, so that, its performance can be more improved".

At the end of his remarks, the Chairman of BAPETEN congratulated the inaugurated officers and pray that Allah SWT will facilitate their steps in carrying out these tasks.


The inaugurated officers are:

  1. Ir. Dedik Eko Sumargo as Head of General and Organization Bureau
  2. Dra. Taruniyati Handayani, M.Sc as Head of the Center for RFRS Regulatory Assessment
  3. Dr. Ir., Djoko Hari Nugroho, MT as Director of Regulatory for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Mineral


The inauguration was witnessed by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga and Plt. Deputy Chairman for Administration Indra Gunawan and several Primary High Officials in BAPETEN.

The event is held semi-virtual, so that the officials who are unable to attend can watch it through the zoom application. While, those who attended, keep implementing the health protocol. [BHKK/Bams]




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