Inauguration of Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level (I-DRL)
Kembali 25 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

To optimize radiation protection and safety for patients which are given medical exposure for diagnostic purposes, this thing is in accordance with Government Regulation No. 33 of 2007 on Radiation and Radioactive Sources Safety and Bapeten’s Regulation (Perba) Number 4 of 2020 on Radiation Safety on The Use of X-Ray Aircraft in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. For this reason, the availability of diagnostic guidance level or Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) is needed, so that improper acceptance of doses in patients can be avoided.

Drl value will be an indicator that helps hospitals or clinics in applying radiation doses to radiological patient examination optimally. The determination of DRL values nationally, referred to as Indonesian DRL (I-DRL) is carried out through the results of national radiation dose surveys using the application of the Patient Dose Data Information System (Si-INTAN), quantitative calculation process, and technical discussions with experts from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and various relevant organizational representatives, Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS), Association of Hospitals Throughout Indonesia (PERSI),Indonesian Association of Clinical Radiology Specialists (PDSRKI), Indonesian Radiographer Association (PARI), Alliance of Indonesian Medical Physicists (AFISMI), Jakarta II Health Polytechnic, Semarang Health Polytechnic, Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Indonesia, Department of Physics Faculty of Science and Mathematics Diponegoro University, and several hospitals.



The event was opened by Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto, he said "This level of diagnostic guidance or DRL is a manifestation of Bapeten's presence in efforts to protect radiological patients, which is generally for patient safety. This DRL should be the concern of workers in the field, especially medical and health personnel in the field of radiology in providing radiation doses to patients."

The speech was continued by each representative, namely:

Chairman of PDSRKI Terawan Agus Putranto said "it is expected that this harmonization can continue, in order to make diagnostics as precise as possible, so that it can be safe and comfortable both for patients and radiation workers."

The Head of AFISMI Supriyanto Arjo Prawiro said" DRL as a guide has a very important role. Therefore, the establishment of DRL nationally becomes the foundation for us. AFISMI is ready to contribute and implement it."

Deputy Secretary General of PERSI Rachmat Mulyana said "with this guide we can work well and carefully. And at the hospital we feel more safe. We are ready with BAPETEN to socialize."

KARS representative Firdaus Sai Sohar said "this inauguration makes workers in the hospital no longer have doubts, because the limit has been determined.“

PARI General Secretary Hidayat Sobarudin said "Indonesian radiographers are ready to improve services and implement. It's a pride for Indonesia because countries in Southeast Asia don't yet have DRL guidelines."

Officially the Value of I-DRL is nationally determined by a button press ceremony by the Chairman of Bapeten accompanied by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C.Sinaga, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Chairman of PDSRKI Terawan Agus Putranto and Secretary of the Directorate General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health Azhar Jaya and signed a joint commitment to implement I-DRL according to the roles and duties of each agency, in Jakarta, on 25 May 2021.



With the determination of I-DRL values, it is expected that health care facilities can use these values as indicators to guide the administration of radiation doses to patients who will perform diagnostic examinations (including through X-rays and CT Scans).



On that occasion, representatives from the Ministry of Health, Secretary of the Directorate General of Health Services Azhar Jaya said "on behalf of the Ministry of Health congratulates and will fully support this activity, so that we have a Local and National Level DRL that we are proud of".

The event was closed by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C.Sinaga, she said "we thank all for the commitment in the implementation of this I-DRL designation. It is hoped that all can support each other so that the I-DRL set out can be useful, especially for patients and workers in the field in health facilities, because all this is for the general welfare." [BHKK/SP/OR/RA]



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