Inauguration and Taking an Oaths / Promises of Specific Functional Officers
Kembali 03 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Located at the BAPETEN's Building on Friday (03/07), the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto inaugurated and took the oath / promise of a Specific Functional Officer, witnessed by Deputy Chairman for Administration Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Khoirul Huda, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Yus Rusdian Akhmad, as well as BAPETEN's Primary Officials.

This inauguration in accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation No. 11/2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants, as amended by Government Regulation No. 17/2020, that every civil servant who has been appointed as the functional officer must be took an oath / promise.

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In his remarks, Jazi said that functional officers have an important role to justify scientifically the decisions taken by BAPETEN. Therefore, functional officers, especially the Radiation Supervisor, should be grateful and continue to develop their knowledge. Jazi confirms that scientific authority can be lost if it is not fostered.

Officer that sworn consist of one Main Expert of Radiation Supervisor Officer named Reno Alamsyah, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 43/2020, dated 22 May 2020.

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Other inaugurated officers, according to the Decree of the Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency No. 1356 / K / VII / 2020 dated 2 July 2020, are six Associate Radiation Supervisory Officers named Agus Waluyo, Suryo Adi Ari Santosa, Nur Siwhan, Dewi Apriliani, Titik Kartika, Dedi Hermawan, one Human Resources Assessor First Expert named Ratna Sari, and one Advanced Archivist/Implementer named Lynda Sari Lubis.

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In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the inauguration was carried out with obey the health protocols such as wearing masks and do a physycal distancing.

Hopefully, the appointed officers can make more achievements in the future and can motivate other BAPETEN's employees to be enthusiastic and "smart" in their work. (bhkk / bams)




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