Based on the BAPETEN’s Chairman of Decree Number 2369/K/XI/2020, dated 27 November 2020, a Functional Official Inauguration ceremony was held Monday, 30 November 2020. The event was lead by Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, witnessed by The Head Research Officer of BAPETEN Yus Rusdian Akhmad and The Head Radiation Supervisory Reno Alamsyah, the event was also attended by Echelon II by offline and online.
Jazi said "We must remember that Bapeten has the word nuclear in it, but nuclear as an object, we do not produce nuclear technology and our core competency is safety, security and safeguard. We also do not have the task of projection research is not, not research and innovation institutions, we will remain lpnk, the structure will remain like this."
"I need to emphasize that career is not only in BAPETEN, please look for a career outside. We also need to maintain performance, reputation and cooperation. In the time of covid we must maintain the protocol of covid, take care of health, immunity." He said.
1 | Adinda Ayu Mahardhika, S. Psi. NIP. 197806062005012002 | Analis Kepegawaian Ahli Muda |
2 | Merinda Fitri Volia, S.Si NIP. 198005122005012001 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda |
3 | Lukas Wisnu Wicaksono, S.Si, M.Eng NIP. 197904122006041004 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda |
4 | Intanung Syafitri, S.Si NIP. 197908292006042005 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda |
5 | Wawan Susanto, SST NIP. 198107042006041006 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda |
6 | Liya Astuti, ST., M.Sc NIP. 198606242009122005 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Muda |
7 | Asiah Hasanah, ST. NIP. 199505262019022007 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
8 | Asystasia Sabathrin Cindananti, SH. NIP. 199412312019022003 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
9 | B'tara Panjiweda Nisditya P, ST. NIP. 199208152019021005 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
10 | Samsiatun Mudzkhiyah, ST. NIP.199206122019022006 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
11 | Novriman Livia, ST. NIP. 199011012019021003 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
12 | Dias Restugustias, S.Si NIP. 199405132019022005 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
13 | Dwita Rosiana, S.ST NIP. 198902252019022004 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
14 | Fajar Waskito, S.Si NIP. 199401142019021003 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
15 | Muhammad Angger Anompa, S.ST NIP.199006282019021004 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
16 | Naufal Alif Syarifuddin, S.ST NIP.199607092019021002 | Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Pertama |
17 | Enrico Nathanael, SH. NIP. 199509192019021001 | Perancang Perundang-Undangan Ahli Pertama |
18 | Mitra Pratama, SH. NIP. 19901014201902100 | Perancang Perundang-Undangan Ahli Pertama |
19 | Ria Yessi Gartika, SE. NIP.198908282019022001 | Perencana Ahli Pertama |
20 | Keni Dwikania, SE NIP. 198912042019022004 | Perencana Ahli Pertama |
21 | Ridwan Darmawan, SE. NIP.199210132019021004 | Auditor Ahli Pertama |
22 | Anis Setiawati, SE NIP. 199504192019022011 | Auditor Ahli Pertama |
23 | Rizki Parhani. S.Sos NIP.199403202019022007 | Arsiparis Ahli Pertama |
24 | Dwi Lailatul Fitri, SE. NIP. 199104162019022003 | Analis Kepegawaian Ahli Pertama |