Heroes Day Commemoration Flag Ceremony 2022
Kembali 10 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to build the nation's collective memory in order to arouse public awareness to implement the spirit and noble values of heroes in everyday life, on 10 November 2002, BAPETEN held the 2022 Heroes' Day Commemoration Flag Ceremony.

This year's 2022 Heroes Day Commemoration Ceremony took the theme "My Hero My Exemplar” which was carried out in a hybrid manner, namely offline and online. The offline was followed by Echelon 1 and 2 Officials, ceremony officers, and ceremony participants from each units in the BAPETEN, who were asked to send ceremony participants who were healthy and not in quarantine. While online, followed and listened from their respective residences.



The purpose of organizing the 2022 Heroes' Day Commemoration is to commemorate and honour the services and struggles of heroes in defending independence. While the goal is a). To build the nation's collective memory in order to arouse public awareness to implement the spirit and noble values of heroes in everyday life. b). To strengthen the unity of the nation within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. c). To increase the sense of love and pride as a nation and state of Indonesia.



As the Supervisor of the Ceremony of Plt. BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo who read the Mandate of the Minister of Social Affairs of Indonesia in the framework of Heroes' Day 2022. The message read out included: "The example of the Nation's Heroes who have penetrated the soul, may be our spirit in this year's Heroes' Day Commemoration, My Hero My Exemplar. With the spirit of "Recover Faster, Rise Stronger", the commemoration of Heroes Day 2022 is expected to continue and provide additional energy to arouse the awareness of all elements of the nation to continue, unite and help others regardless of barriers. Let us not want to be divided, remember Bhinneka Tunggal Ika".



"Let us make the momentum of the 2022 Heroes Day Commemoration to strengthen the unity of the nation, respecting each other. Fill independence by becoming a Hero starting from yourself, family, the surrounding environment. Let the spirit and values of Heroism be an inspiration in every step of our lives. Together we remember and honour the struggle of the Heroes," he added.


Sugeng further said, "Together we build the nation's collective memory so that we can implement the spirit and noble values of Heroes. Together we strengthen the unity of the nation in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is the Mandate of the Nation's Heroes" he continued.

"Let us eradicate ignorance, fight poverty and divide the nation to realize a just and prosperous society. We fight radicalism, we grow up to develop the spirit of mutual cooperation to welcome a bright future," he continued.

"Heroes will be role models for us through challenging times. An example for us to shape the future and be Winners. Happy Heroes' Day 2022," said Sugeng ending his remarks. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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