Harmonization Meeting of Nuclear Bill Draft
Kembali 06 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN together with the Directorate of Harmonization of Laws and Regulations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights held a Meeting on Harmonization, Rounding, and Stabilization of the Nuclear Bill Draft (RUUK) in Jakarta on 5-6 June 2024. The meeting, which was held in a hybrid format, was attended by participants from various relevant Ministries / Institutions including the State Secretariat, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), National Police, Indonesian Navy, Jakarta Prosecutors Office, The Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA), Director General of Budget - Ministry of Finance, and several other agencies.

On this occasion, the topics of discussion were the provisions of the national nuclear security system, safeguard, the national nuclear preparedness systems, nuclear loss liability, community participation, international cooperation, and investigation and proof.

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BAPETEN's Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) Haendra Subekti explained that the government's role in the nuclear security system, safeguard system, and national preparedness system is to establish and prepare the necessary infrastructure and implement it. Potential violations and criminalization in this provision are penalized according to the latest Criminal Code Law.

Furthermore, the provisions for prevention and prosecution for the misuse of nuclear materials are Indonesia's commitment to several international treaties that have been ratified. Then, the role of each government agency is formulated specifically according to its authority.

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After the explanation, harmonization participants expressed their hopes for deepening the substance related to the duties and authorities in the RUUK to avoid overlapping and increase effectiveness in its implementation. They also confirmed several strategic provisions. Overall, the harmonization process was conducive and the results were acceptable to the participants.

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Director of Harmonization of Laws and Regulations II Unan Pribadi who chaired the harmonization meeting stated that he would invite several experts in criminal law, international law of the sea and constitutional law in the upcoming focus group discussion to discuss the provisions of investigation and criminal provisions. [DP2IBN/Zakki/BHKK/Ra/Da]

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