Guidance of the Facility Safety Report Balis Infara 2.0
Kembali 26 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN organizes Facility Safety Report Guidance (LKF) Balis Infara 2.0. This LKF guidance focused on the utilization of ionizing radiation sources (SRP) in the industrial sector. The guidance of LKF Balis Infara 2.0 has been carried out routinely with the aim of fostering permit holders in facility safety report (25/03).

The event was opened by the Director of Inspection for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DIFRZR) of BAPETEN Asep Saefulloh Hermawan. In his opening remarks, He said, “BAPETEN is developing participatory inspections which are realized by self-assessment through filling the LKF and collaborative inspections involving external stakeholders. Submission of LKF, both Inspection LKF and Annual LKF by the facility to BAPETEN, is a form of responsibility of the permit holder in realizing radiation safety. The Annual LKF that has been sent to BAPETEN will be assessed and become input for BAPETEN Award assessment, for facilities that were not inspected during the award assessment year.”


Director of Inspection for FRZR presented Participatory Inspection.


The Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facilities Inspection Function Group explained the procedure for filling out the LKF.

The explanation of the procedure for filling out the LKF was delivered by the Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Inspection Function Group of BAPETEN Sumedi. He explained in detail how to make the LKF, by demonstrating the procedure for filling out the LKF in Balis Infara 2.0, starting from login, fill out the data consisting of 7 assessment indicators, upload supporting documents, and sending the draft of LKF. In addition, he also explained how to complete the lack of LKF that been evaluated by the BAPETEN verifier.

The event, which was attended by 35 participants from representatives of 35 SRP user of industrial institutions in Bandung and Purwakarta areas, implemented strict health protocols.

After the presentation on the Procedure for Filling in the LKF, participants did a practice to fill out the LKF in their Balis Infara accounts. Participants are guided directly by presenters and staff of the DIFRZR, so that if there is trouble, they can be consulted and resolved directly. It is hoped that through this guidance, users can more actively participate in reporting the safety of the facility every year and when it will be inspected. [DIFRZR/Samiatun/BHKK/SP/IP/RA].


Participants practice filling out the LKF guided by DIFRZR staff.




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