Guidance of Regulations for the Nuclear Installation and Materials Sector
Kembali 19 Juli 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to give information regarding BAPETEN Regulation No. 4/2019 concerning Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites for Dispersion Aspects of Radioactive Substances in the Air and Water, and BAPETEN Regulation No. 6/2019 concerning Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites for Aspects of External Events Due to Human Activities, the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) of BAPETEN held the Online Guidance of Regulations for the Nuclear Installation and Materials Sector on Monday (19/07).

The event was opened by the Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials of BAPETEN Haendra Subekti. In his opening remarks, Haendra stated that this internal guidance was held to accommodate requests where this guidance can be carried out in internal BAPETEN. "It is hoped that from this event, BAPETEN employee can be informed about the new regulations that have been issued and implemented. In addition, we can also have the latest information related to regulations that have been issued and the implementation from internal stakeholders,” said Haendra.



“This guidance is a socialization, therefore we invite all parties from BAPETEN, both from the nuclear installation unit, as well as from the radiation facilities and radioactive substances unit. What is stated in this regulation, it can also be useful in the field of radiation facilities and radioactive substances, such as in the case of storing high-level radioactive waste as a site evaluation requirement. In this activity, the issues presented are still related to the nuclear installations and materials, but essentially, also includes radiation facilities and radioactive substances,” Haendra continued.

Furthermore, Haendra emphasized, "The issue of site evaluation is very relevant to current conditions. BATAN is conducting a feasibility study for a site in Kalimantan. And some time in the future, there will be a private company conducting a site evaluation in Bangka-Belitung. Although the regulation regarding this site is not new, its content is still very relevant, so that the aspect of dispersion and human-caused events will be one of the criteria for the site will be rejected or technical engineering must be carried out. If later there are still deficiencies in this regulation, please submit it. If necessary, a revision will be made in its operations, but if modifications can still be made in its implementation, it can be adjusted".



The event, which was attended by 87 participants, followed by a presentation from the Radiation Supervisor of BAPETEN regarding BAPETEN Regulation No. 4/2019 concerning Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites for Dispersion Aspects of Radioactive Substances in the Air and Water by Bambang Eko Aryadi, presentation of BAPETEN Regulation No. 6/2019 concerning Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites for Aspects of External Events Due to Human Activities by Suci Prihastuti, and from the Center for the Study of Nuclear Energy Systems of BATAN who delivered presentation related to the Implementation of the Evaluation of the Nuclear Installation Site for Aspects of External Events Due to Human Acts at the RDE Site by Dedi Priambodo. The event closed with a discussion and question-answer regarding the agency's regulations. [DP2IBN/Manda/BHKK/SP/IP/RA]








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