Focus Group Discussion on Inspection and Licensing in the Field of Nuclear Installation and Materials
Kembali 27 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

On September 27, 2022, a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) was held for the field of Nuclear Installations and Materials (IBN). The FGD was attended by structural officials, coordinators, main radiation supervisory functional officials, and intermediate radiation supervisory functional officials from the work units of the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DIIBN), Directorate of Licensing on Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN), Directorate of Regulation Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN), and the Center for Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Materials (P2STPIBN).

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The theme of the FGD is "Challenges of Nuclear Supervision in the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Era" and the purpose of the FGD is to discuss and share information on the issue of 3S (Safety, Security, Safeguards) after the change of BATAN to BRIN in terms of licensing and inspection. The expected output of the FGD is the formulation of recommendations to the leadership of Bapeten on BRIN's commitment to 3S implementation and suggestions that need to be made by the regulatory body regarding the results of the supervision of BRIN. The FGD output is used as discussion material at the Executive Meeting between BAPETEN and BRIN.

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The FGD was conducted face-to-face at the BAPETEN office through parallel discussions on safety, security, and nuclear materials. The FGD was opened by the Director of DIIBN, Lukman Hakim. In the opening, he conveyed the purpose of the FGD and the expected output of the FGD, then continued with a parallel discussion session.

In this session, the group was divided into 2 discussion topics, namely safety, waste, and environment and discussion for physical protection, safeguards, and additional protocols.

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The FGD was closed by Lukman Hakim by reading the formulation of the FGD results to be submitted to the Chairman of BAPETEN. (DIIBN/RIZAL/BHKK/CD/Da/RA)

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