Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Drafting of Revision of PP 29/2008 concerning Ionizing Radiation Source Licensing
Kembali 24 Juni 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to ensure the process of drafting laws and regulations has taken into account input from various stakeholders, BAPETEN held a FGD in the process of drafting the revision of PP 29 of 2008 concerning Licensing of Ionizing Radiation Sources. The preparation process, which was at the stage of harmonization, held an internal discussion forum of BAPETEN on Thursday (6/25).

The FGD was opened by the Head of the Sub Directorate for Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety of BAPETEN Aris Sanyoto. In his opening remarks, conveying "The status of this draft of Revision of PP 29/2008 is in the stage of requesting confirmation or approval from other relevant ministries. In this FGD, the problem in the field was conveyed, but it might not be able to change the big substance because the drafting process was already at the stage of harmonization".

Taruniyati as the Director of Regulatory for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Mineral, in her remarks says, "FGD participants can convey the problems they face, so they can test this design whether they can answer the problem. With this FGD, we hope to be able to get regulations that can answer the needs so far".

The discussion was attended by more than 50 participants from units at BAPETEN. The discussion of the meeting starts with the articles which are felt to be still unclear and the issue submitted by the participants. Among the discussions, which was interesting and quite tough, namely regarding the draft provisions concerning sanctions which delayed the entire process of requesting a permit if a violation was found in the inspection process.

With this stage, the initiator can see the different views of various stakeholders and the experiences from each participant. Regulations that have gone through this process are expected can be applied, especially with the significant changes in this revision, the licensing system which is usually sourced into activities. [DP2FRZR / Vatima / BHKK / Sunu]





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