Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Map of Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) Development and Supervision in Indonesia
Kembali 17 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Map of Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) Development and Supervision on Friday, 17 September 2021 in Jakarta, attended by 28 representative participants from BAPPEDA Kalbar, DESDM Babel, ITB, UGM, UNS, PT. Thorcon Indonesia, Director General of EBTKE, BRIN (ORTN) and BAPETEN. This FGD aims to share and exchange the latest information related to research, topics, methodologies, studies, joint research, consortium projects, and nuclear programs for MSR-type reactors, establish cooperation networks and joint use of research / study facilities both hardware and software, and obtain information on activities and policies related to MSR development.

Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, stated that the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) program has long been rolled out in Indonesia. Aspects of regulation have been well prepared R&D activities, community acceptance surveys to the fulfilment from all aspects of regulation from site to operation including the development of acceptance criteria. The issue of the development of NPP as a National Mega Project should be controlled so as not to experience disruptions including in this case financial guarantees.


FGD was opened by Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto. He said that FGD is a scientific forum and commitment in the process of monitoring the development of NPP in Indonesia. FGD's conclusions will not affect the licensing process. BAPETEN is neutral and ensures the welfare, safety of the community, workers and the environment through the pillars of supervision, namely licensing, regulation and inspection. Cooperation with the NRA, USNRC, and Rostechnadzor is carried out to ensure the ability of HR supervision. The exchange of information between stakeholders needs to be continuously improved.


Novery Nuzuyluddin who represents the Chairman of BAPPEDA Kalimantan Province stated that the implementation of national regulations that support the safe operation of NPP must make the scale a priority including in this case the use of applicable international standards. Continued by the Chairman of Energy and Mineral Resources Office of Bangka Belitung Province who said Babel province supports the mastery of nuclear technology in Indonesia. Social aspects need to be taken into account and learned from the Fukushima incident, it needs comprehensive intense education to the public so that mastery of nuclear technology can be realized.


The FGD event continued with a presentation on “energy policy, utilization and needs” by Director General of EBTKE Chrisnawan Anditia, “Roadmap for the development of TMSR 500, support of government programs in the form of clean energy to replace the role of power plants in 2040 and the stages of study conducted as a follow-up to the mandate of the Ministry of Finance” by Representatives of PT Thorcon Bob S. Effendi and Tagor Malem Sembiring and the “Status of TMSR-500 Supervision Review” by the Head of P2STPIBN BAPETEN Yudi Pramono. The presentation from the results of research studies and simulations of SMR design including software development independently was also delivered in FGD by Typhoon Setiadipura from ORTN-BRIN, Andang Widiharto from UGM, Abdul Waris from ITB and Suharyana from UNS. FGD participants get a lot of information and benefits in discussion and Q&A events.


FGD was closed by Head of P2STPIBN Yudi Pramono who said that FGD activities are very productive, generating very much knowledge, information and transparency of programs. [P2STPIBN/Muktaf/BHHK/YL/OR/RA]

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