Field Visit of BAPETEN Team to PT. PAL Surabaya
Kembali 22 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN), Center for Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Materials (P2STPIBN) and Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) visited PT PAL Surabaya on April 22, 2024.

This field visit was led by Judi Pramono, Head of P2STPIBN, accompanied by a study team, regulatory team and DPIBN evaluator team. The BAPETEN team was welcomed by Muhamad Ihsan as Head of Sales, Rusaeful Arief as Head of QA, Rizkiyah as Head of Rekumhar Business Development and the team.


Judi Pramono in his remarks said that the issue of floating nuclear power plants is one of BAPETEN's concerns considering the possibility of building this type of nuclear power plant so that discussions and visits are needed related to the application of balance of plant system manufacturing technology, application of codes and standards in the manufacturing process, modularization of balance of plant systems, application of testing processes in manufacturing.


Muhamad Ihsan in his remarks said that PT PAL is very open to discussions and collaborations that can be carried out both with BAPETEN and with other parties in the development of floating nuclear power plants in the future.


The first session began with a presentation and discussion from P2STPIBN which delivered a Safety Study of Multi-Module NPP Design: Construction Aspects, then continued with a presentation from DPIBN which presented the licensing of SMR nuclear power plants and future challenges, and continued with a presentation from DP2IBN which presented a draft regulation on the construction aspects of nuclear installations.


The second session of the program was carried out by visiting the manufacturing process of the 60 Mw Barge Mounted Power Plant (BMPP) ordered by Indonesia Power and visiting the fabrication, assembly and Balance of Plant (BOP) testing process.

Based on this visit, it can be seen that PT PAL has relatively long experience in modular fabrication, assembly, and Balance of Plant (BOP) testing and is committed to continuously improving its knowledge and capabilities in constructing floating nuclear power plants.


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