BAPETEN conducted field verification of PT. Ineos Aromatics Indonesia located in Cilegon Banten on 14 - 16 June 2021, related to 10 (ten) gauging permit applications to validate radioactive sources data owned by the company.
BAPETEN verifier team is Inspectors from the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) consisting of Mukhlisin as Team Leader with members Syaifulloh and Anggoro Septiarso.
This team’s task is to assess the safety aspects of radiation and the radioactive sources owned by the company, so that the purpose of supervision listed in Law No. 10 of 1997 article 15 can be guaranteed.
Meanwhile, from PT. Ineos Aromatics Indonesia who received and accompanied the Field Verifier Team, Budi Prihartono (Director), Ahmad Bujiyoko (HSSE Manager), Aris Kristanto (HSE Engineer) and Hayuningtyas as Radiation Protection Officer (PPR).
While verifying this field, the team successfully validated the ionizing radiation source (SRP) data consisting of 75 ZRA and 3 ionizing radiation plants (PRP).
Bapeten's team found that the type and serial number of ZRA data did not match the ZRA data submitted on the permit application, this finding became a correction in the application for the permit. Likewise the officer has changed so that it needs to be adjusted to the new one in the request for permission submitted.
Radiation protection and safety program with radioactive sources safety program were also corrected by BAPETEN Team, so that in the implementation of its use will support the radiation safety and safety aspects from radioactive sources of PT. Ineos Aromatics Indonesia. [DPFRZR/Sunarya/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]
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