Field Verification of PT Intergy Indonesia Power Training Institute
Kembali 20 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency and Preparedness (DKKN) BAPETEN carries out field verification of training institutions within the scope of Radiation Protection Officers level 1, 2 and 3 against PT. Intergy Indonesia, Gunung Sindur, Bogor (20/10/2022). This activity was carried out as a follow-up to the submission of the appointment of a Power Training Institute within the scope of PPR by PT. Intergy Indonesia.

This activity is carried out in accordance with the mandate of the BAPETEN Regulation No. 1 of 2022 that the assessment of Business Owners is carried out through document evaluation and field verification activities to ensure that permit requirements are met. In this activity, the BAPETEN Team was led by the Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function Group Rini Suryanti accompanied by Joni S. Kadir, Deddy Rusdiana and Eko Sapto Aji as team members.

imgkontenThe BAPETEN team was welcomed by the Director of PT. Intergy Indonesia Muhammad Maulidin Nugraha who hoped to create a positive assessment regarding the arrival of the BAPETEN verification team. Rini said that the object of verification this time was legality, quality manuals, human resources and training infrastructure because of the business location of PT. Intergy Indonesia is changing.

imgkontenAfter a meeting session and discussion with the management, it was continued with verification to training facilities with classes, laboratories for the use of ionizing radiation sources, inspection of other supporting facilities and worship facilities, parking lots and libraries, and checking utilization permits.

imgkontenAt the end of the verification activity, the BAPETEN team submitted the Minutes of Examination (BAP) and findings that must be immediately followed up by Pt. Intergy Indonesia. The event was closed with the signing of the BAP by the verification team and the director of Pt. Intergy Indonesia. (DKKN/esa/BHKK/ra/da/OR)

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