Executive Meeting Accelerating the Industrialization of Domestic Medical X-Ray Machine Production
Kembali 08 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Executive Meeting event, a series of events for the implementation of BAPETEN's 26th anniversary, opened with the Tiba Meka dance from the Manggarai region, East Nusa Tenggara Province. "Accelerating the Industrialization of Domestic Medical X-Ray Machine Production" is the topic of discussion in this executive meeting. On May 8, 2024, the ceremony took place at the BAPETEN office.

The event was opened by Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo, who, in his opening remarks, said, "BAPETEN supervises the use of nuclear power to protect patients, officers, and the public from the dangers of radiation that can arise in the use of radiation. All health service facilities that use ionizing radiation sources, especially in radiology units, are objects of radiation safety supervision by BAPETEN.

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"The purpose of holding the executive meeting is to reach an agreement regarding the policy and implementation of accelerating the industrialization of domestic medical X-ray machine production. The government, through various related ministries and agencies, needs to encourage and establish policies so that the industrialization of domestic X-ray machine production can compete with imported products instead of increasing production and sales," he explained.

"Collaboration and synergy of BAPETEN, Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia (Kemenkes RI), Indonesian Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), The National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (Badan Standardisasi Nasional - BSN), National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - BRIN), and other related ministries/agencies to play a role in encouraging national independence in providing diagnostic and interventional radiology X-ray machines," he added.

We hope that this Executive Meeting can be an initial step in encouraging and supporting the acceleration of the industrialization of domestic medical X-ray machine production. In addition, it also increases the effectiveness and efficiency of joint supervision in the use of nuclear energy, increases stakeholder involvement in the supervision of the nuclear energy sector so that it has an impact on increasing the contribution of the nuclear energy sector to national economic growth, and increases business actors' compliance with safety and security standards in the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia.

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The event continued with a presentation on "BAPETEN Regulations and Policies in Supporting the Achievement of the Domestic Medical X-Ray Machine Production Industry" by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, a presentation on "Strategy of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in Accelerating the Domestic Medical X-Ray Machine Production Industry" by Director of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Resilience of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Roy Himawan, and a presentation on BSN Support in the Implementation of Domestic Medical X-Ray Machine Products" by Deputy for BSN Accreditation Donny Purnomo.

The event, which was attended by 150 executives from the fields of industry, health, research, and leaders in BAPETEN, was closed with a discussion and Q&A related to the acceleration of domestic medical X-ray machine production. [BHKK/SP/GP]

Documents can be downloaded; click the links below:

1. Executive Meeting Photo

2. Presentation File

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