Evaluation of Physical Protection System in Science and Technology Area (KST) B.J. Habibie, Serpong by BAPETEN and Directorate of Pamobvit Baharkam Polri
Kembali 05 September 2023 | Berita BAPETEN

Indonesia is obliged to build nuclear security and ensure a physical protection system at nuclear facilities in accordance with the signing of the international physical protection convention (CPPNM) and its ratification through Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 49 of 1986 concerning the Ratification of CPPMM and Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 46 of 2009 concerning the Ratification of Amendments to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials.

In order to fulfil these obligations, the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DIIBN) BAPETEN carries out regular evaluations and inspections of physical protection systems every year at nuclear installations in Indonesia. On 4-5 September 2023, BAPETEN carried out a Physical Protection System Evaluation with the Directorate of Pamobvit Baharkam POLRI in the Science and Technology Area (KST) of B.J. Habibie, Serpong.


This activity aims to evaluate the application of the physical protection system at the nuclear facility of the B.J. Habibie Science and Technology Area (KST), Serpong against applicable laws and regulations. In addition, the activities carried out by Pamobvit Baharkam POLRI are also carried out in the context of technical guidance on the implementation of a security management system for national vital objects. Facilities from the Directorate of Nuclear Energy Facility Management BRIN, represented by Dicky Tri Jatmiko welcomed the joint activities carried out by BAPETEN and Pamobvit Baharkam POLRI.



The BAPETEN inspection team, represented by Kusbandono said that joint Physical Protection System Evaluation activities are needed to improve the implementation of an effective nuclear security regime in Indonesia so that cooperation in terms of securing nuclear installations can be maintained. In addition, the team leader from the Directorate of Pamobvit Baharkam POLRI, which in this case was represented by the Head of the Sub-Directorate for Security of Certain Areas (Pamwaster), Wawan Kristyanto said that this bimtek activity is one of the POLRI obligations in providing security assistance, namely as socialization of the national vital object security management system and evaluation of the nuclear area security management system. [DIIBN/Setiawan/BHKK/OR/RA]



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