DPR VII Commission Hearing Meeting with the Chairman of LPNK
Kembali 24 Januari 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The House of Representatives Commission VII held a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the Non-Ministry Government Institution (LPNK) of the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Agency for Research and Innovation (Kemenristek/BRIN) on Thursday, located at the Commission VII Meeting Room in the Nusantara I DPR building, Senayan.

The RDP was led by the Chairperson of the House of Representatives of Commission VII Sugeng Suparwoto, and was attended by the Chairman of BAPETEN along with the Chairman of the LPNK of Kemenristek/BRIN namely BATAN, BIG, BPPT, LAPAN, and LIPI.



Sugeng Suparwoto said at the beginning of the meeting that the purpose of the RDP was to request a detailed and comprehensive explanation from the Chairman of the LPNK of Kemenristek/BRIN, which includes a 5 (five) years strategic plan, the development of the implementation of dissemination programs in the regions, the development of the One National Map (BIG) policy, Implementation of remote sensing technology as a disaster early warning system (LAPAN), and readiness for the utilization of nuclear energy (BATAN and BAPETEN).

The Chairman of BAPETEN who was accompanied by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment and The Deputy Chairman for Administration of BAPETEN, in his presentation explained the organizational structure and profile of human resources that support nuclear power supervision, about the number of licenses issued by BAPETEN, BAPETEN’s Strategic Plan, dissemination of nuclear power science and technology development supervision in the regions, and BAPETEN’s readiness in monitoring the utilization of nuclear technology for energy.



In the framework of preparing for the construction of a nuclear power plant especially to be built in West Kalimantan, in this forum BAPETEN and BATAN agreed to propose the formation of the Organization (Determination of Functions) for the Implementation of the NPP Program (NEPIO) which is chaired and coordinated directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The structure and function of the NEPIO organization is clearly explained by the Chairman of BAPETEN.

Commission VII of the Indonesian Parliament fully supports the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia. In one of the conclusions of the RDP which was read out by the Chairperson of Commission VII it was conveyed that the Chairman of BATAN andBAPETEN should accelerate the development of infrastructure and legislation on Nuclear Power Plant in Indonesia. [Bhkk / bsb].






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