Dissemination of the Roles, Duties and Working Mechanisms of Agents of Change
Kembali 17 Februari 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The Bureaucratic Reform Program needs to be carried out by Agents of Change seriously, one of the eight changes in government management, namely changes in mindset (thoughts) and changes in culture set (work culture) in BAPETEN since 2015, in accordance with The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Regulation No. 27/2014 about Guidelines for Development of Agents of Change in Government.

Wednesday (17/02), BAPETEN held an online Socialization of the Roles, Duties, and Work Mechanisms of Agents of Change, which was attended by the Head of the Organization and General Bureau Dedik Eko Sumargo and his staffs, and also all of Agents of Change in BAPETEN. The event was opened by the Executive Secretary of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo. In his remarks, Sugeng hoped that through the representatives of agents of change, it should really focus on showing changes in the area of management change by planning, implementing and measuring the impact of implementing changes that have been made in each work unit.

"It is necessary to hold a beauty contest for BAPETEN Agents of Change PICs in 2021 who have been able to make the best changes in their work units", he said.



Furthermore, the event was led by Edy Kunto Wibowo as the Head of the Management Organization Group, by presenting the spokesperson from Ministry of PAN RB, Endang Purwaningsih as an Intermediate Policy Analyst, who delivered presentation on the Development of Agents of Change. Endang Purwaningsih, in her presentation, explained the importance of groups or individuals as agents of change as pioneers, as well as examples of behavioral changes that reflect integrity and high performance in our organizational environment. Agents of change have an important role as a catalyst that can convince the importance of change, as a driver of change, as a problem solver, and as a liaison mediator. The working mechanism of a agent of change is responsible directly to the management, to develop individual action plans, and to implement action plans.



The discussion session, ended the socialization activity and then closed by Dedik Eko Sumargo. Dedik hoped that the input from the spokesperson would be spending and feedback to make better changes in the BAPETEN. [BHKK/IS/IP/RA]





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