Dissemination of Nuclear Power Energy Supervision in Wajo, South Sulawesi
Kembali 11 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In synergy with Member of Commission VII DPR RI Andi Yuliani Paris, this time BAPETEN visited Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi to carry out dissemination of Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization (11/09). Supervision Dissemination is intended to provide information regarding the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, as well as the role and responsibilities of BAPETEN in conducting supervision to ensure safety and security in the use of nuclear energy.

As a supervisory body, BAPETEN not only supervises the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, but BAPETEN also has a strategic program, namely institutional outreach. The purpose of the socialization is to convey information about the BAPETEN institution so that an accommodative relationship occurs, as well as the importance of the existence of a nuclear energy monitoring institution for public safety.

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The word nuclear in people's perception is always connoted with bombs, war, radiation and other things that are very dangerous and terrible. This is not surprising because the world's dark history records, on August 6, 1945 when the second world war broke out, the atomic bomb destroyed the Japanese city of Hiroshima and has claimed very many lives and caused tremendous physical damage. That story continues to be imagined by the public, that nuclear is indeed very dangerous and terrible. In fact, nuclear has actually been widely utilized for the welfare of mankind, such as for health, agriculture, food, industry and research. However, in addition to these great benefits, nuclear also poses a risk of dangerous radiation hazards, therefore it needs very strict supervision.

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That was conveyed by BAPETEN's Public Communications Coordinator, Abdul Qohhar in his presentation delivered during the dissemination activities of monitoring the use of nuclear energy in Wajo, South Sulawesi. The activity which was attended by more than 100 participants was joined by representatives of students, lecturers, and the general public in the Wajo area. Also present at this activity was the Regent of Wajo, Amran Mahmud, accompanied by the Head of the Wajo Health Service, Armin Adela

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"Nuclear should not only be seen as dangerous, but also its benefits and management," said Andi Yuliani in his opening remarks. It is hoped that through this monitoring dissemination activity awareness and public perception of nuclear energy can be formed correctly and correctly. [BHKK/AQ]

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