Dissemination of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision in Banyuasin, South Sumatra
Kembali 06 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As an institution directly related to nuclear, BAPETEN as a regulatory body is not only in charge of carrying out supervision as mandated in Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy, but BAPETEN also has other duties in educating the public to better understand and recognize nuclear more deeply. It is indispensable to eliminate the various negative stigmas attached to the word "nuclear".

To introduce the existence of BAPETEN as an institution in charge of supervising the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, providing education to the public about nuclear energy, starting from the field of utilization, related risks, and the supervision process that has been carried out, BAPETEN synergizes with Commission VII of the DPR RI to hold a Dissemination of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision, in Kenten Laut Village,Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra (Wednesday, 06/07).



The dissemination event was attended by members of Commission VII of DPR RI, H Yulian Gunhar members of the DPD RI South Sumatra Jialyka Maharani, village officials, sub-district representatives and more than 100 (one hundred) residents of Kenten Laut Village. Yulian said that the word nuclear is still something scary in people's minds, so it is hoped that through this dissemination activity, the thinking pattern can slowly change. "Nuclear is for most Indonesians still considered like a scary ghost. In fact, in developed countries, nuclear has been widely used, even for energy generation," said Yulian.


As the core of the dissemination event, a presentation was delivered on the supervision from the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia delivered by the Coordinator of Public Communication of BAPETEN, Abdul Qohhar. In his presentation, Qohhar said that it turns out that nuclear energy already exists in the midst of society without realizing it so that people should not have to be afraid of the nuclear word. Qohhar also explained the various benefits of nuclear energy that have been felt by the people. However, Qohhar also said that in addition to providing benefits, nuclear energy also has risks to society and the environment if there is carelessness in its use. For this reason, it is necessary to have the presence of BAPETEN which is tasked with ensuring that nuclear energy is used for the benefit of the community and does not pose a detrimental risk. [BHKK/AQ/OR/RA]


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