Discussion Results of the Review from the Bill on Electricity by the Office of Legal Affairs-IAEA
Kembali 02 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Legislative Assistance in the framework of a review of the Draft Law on Electricity (RUUK). In accordance with the development of technology and the utilization of nuclear energy, BAPETEN has prepared a draft amendment to Law No. 10 of 1997 which has been compiled together with other relevant agencies.

This Mission review was held online from 31 May to 2 June 2021. And at the discussion event on the 3rd day, it discussed about the recycle of radioactive sources, transportation responsibilities, classification of radioactive waste, to differences in terminology in the draft such as operator terms.



Regarding the national nuclear security system, Abdelmadjid Cherf said, there are several principles that must be reflected in the Bill, provisions to ensure that the primary responsibility for the security of nuclear materials, other radioactive materials, related facilities, related activities, sensitive information, and sensitive information assets, resides with the person in authority. In addition, ensure that there are procedures for the central government, or designated entity, to assume such responsibilities if no person is authorized.

The event was closed by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga who expressed her gratitude, in particular to the IAEA, for reviewing this Bill, which still has much to improve.


On this occasion, Anthony Wetherall also expressed his appreciation to all participants who had contributed to the discussion, and also enjoyed working with colleagues from Indonesia. Anthony also emphasized that it is very important for IAEA member states, especially Indonesia, which has facilities and activities in the field of electricity, to have a strong and comprehensive legal framework, and it is the responsibility of the IAEA to help and be ready to support BAPETEN in efforts to strengthen the legal framework related to electricity. [BHKK/SP/IP/OR/RA]

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