Development of Nuclear Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources at Riau Islands Province
Kembali 22 April 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulation (DP2FRZR) conducted the Development of Nuclear Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources for users at Riau Islands Province on Thursday (22/04).

The activity, which was carried out offline and online in Batam City, disseminated two BAPETEN regulations in the fields of medical and industrial, namely BAPETEN Regulation No. 4/2020 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of X-Rays for Radiology of Diagnostic and Interventional, and Regulation of the BAPETEN Chairman No. 8/2014 concerning Amendments to Regulation of the BAPETEN Chairman No. 7/2009 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Industrial Radiography Equipment.


DP2FRZR invited several stakeholders from the field of medical and industrial, namely 32 agencies from industry sector and 23 agencies from medical sector or health facilities in Riau Islands and surrounding areas.


In his speech, the Head of Batam City Health Office, dr Didi Kusmarjadi, Sp.OG gave an explanation about the importance of the BAPETEN permit position in radiology services. Hospital accreditation will not be issued if there is no permission from BAPETEN. Furthermore, the Director of DP2FRZR, Dr. Ir. Djoko Hari Nugroho, MT gave directions on the importance of radiation protection and safety in the use of nuclear power. Djoko also explained the issuance of Government Regulation No. 5/2021 concerning Licensing of Risk-Based Business which aims to simplify business licensing and encourage a better investment climate.

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The presentation was moderated by the Coordinator of Radiation Protection and Supervision of Environmental Safety (PPRKL), Aris Sanyoto, SKM, SP.1. Presentation starting with presentation by Vatimah Zahrawati, MSc about BAPETEN Regulation No. 4/2020. Vatimah explained the position, function, and purpose of supervision, up to the important provisions contained in the regulations regarding radiation safety in the use of X-ray equipment for radiology of diagnostic and interventional.

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The presentation was continued by Gloria Doloressa, ST, MKKK who explained the Regulation of the BAPETEN Chairman No. 8/2014 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the BAPETEN Chairman No. 7/2009 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Industrial Radiography Equipment.

In discussion session, several questions were asked by participants who were present offline or online. The participants asked about the licensing system through OSS. This session also discussed the mechanism of the Work Permit (SIB) system which aims to improve the competence of Radiation Protection Officers (PPR) through personnel competency standards.


Questions about sanctions for using a radiographic camera without permission were also asked by online participants. But firmly, Gloria explained that the use of nuclear power without a permit, may be subject to criminal sanctions in accordance with Law No. 10/1997 concerning Nuclear Energy. [DP2FRZR/Vatima/BHKK/Bams/IP/RA]





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