Development of Laws and Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources, in Mataram City
Kembali 01 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Eastern Indonesia Region, precisely in Mataram City, is the location chosen by the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DP2FRZR) BAPETEN as the place for implementing the activities of the Development of Laws and Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources.

The activity, was held on Wednesday, 29 June 2022, the main topic was "Licensing of the Use of X-ray Aircraft in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Bapeten’s Regulation No. 4 of 2020 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of X-ray Aircraft in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology". This regulation underscores the procedures for licensing and implementing radiation protection and the rules that must be followed in order for the purpose of radiation protection and safety that has to be achieved. The development of laws and regulations is an activity carried out after the issuance of a regulation. The goal is to disseminate the information contained in the regulation to users, stakeholders, and the public.



The event began with a preparatory report on the implementation of activities submitted by the Associate Radiation Supervisor of BAPETEN Anet Hayani. In the report, it was stated that "There were 30 participants who were invited offline and 123 participants online from health facilities in the provinces of NTB, NTT, Bali, and Papua. With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that participants will gain knowledge about laws and regulations so that they can be applied in the implementation in their respective agencies".



The event was opened by the Coordinator of the Health, Industry, and Research Management Function Group of BAPETEN Soegeng Rahadhy. He said, "This coaching event is one of the stages of preparing the issuance of laws and regulations. By law, every citizen must be aware of the laws and regulations that have been issued. To disseminate these regulations, we held a PUU Coaching activity. We invite participants who are in the medical field who use diagnostic and interventional radiology."

"It is hoped that from this activity the participants can better understand and obtain the latest information related to the material presented. And so that representatives from agencies present today can convey to their colleagues."

The remarks were continued by the Head of the NTB Health Office represented by the Secretary of the Head of the NTB Provincial Health Office, dr. Hamdoni, who conveyed "a message from the Head of the NTB Provincial Health Office, that in health facilities must obtain permission in fulfilling K3 and there is a pattern of tiered regulations, and finally, it is hoped that there will be radiology service standards in health facilities, so that BAPETEN can provide input for the preparation of these standards."



On this occasion, Hamdoni also delivered a presentation on the Clinical Radiology Service Policy. In his presentation, Hamdoni said that radiology is one that supports health but can have a negative impact if not done properly. Health facilities must strictly follow the regulations set by BAPETEN and the Ministry of Health in the use of diagnostic and interventional radiology.

The event continued with a presentation on "Licensing of the Use of X-ray Aircraft in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" by BAPETEN Associate Radiation Supervisor Anet Hayani and "Bapeten’s Regulation No. 4 of 2020 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of X-ray Aircraft in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" by the Coordinator of the Health, Industry and Research Regulatory Function Group of BAPETEN Soegeng Rahadhy.

At the end of the event, Soegeng Rahadhy closed the event and expressed his gratitude for the active participation of all participants present and his curiosity about the regulations that have been published to be implemented properly in their respective agencies. It is hoped that this activity can provide benefits, Bapeten and stakeholders can continue to synergize in the use of nuclear energy. [DP2FRZR/Intanung Syafitri/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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