Development of IBN Regulations: BAPETEN Regulation No. 11/2020 on Compilation of a Power Reactor Safety Analysis Report (LAK RD)
Kembali 21 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) held counseling on BAPETEN Regulations (Perba) No. 11/2020 on Compilation of Power Reactor Safety Analysis Report online (Wednesday, 21/09).

The activity which was attended by more than 50 Participants from stakeholders, including business actors, representatives of related Ministries/Agencies, academics from various universities, professionals, and also BAPETEN employees, aims to further increase audience understanding of the implementation of BAPETEN regulations, especially Perba No. 11/2020, as well as to get feedback from the participants. This was conveyed by the counseling coordinator Manda Fermilia in her opening report.

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The activity was opened by the Director DP2IBN Haendra Subekti who said "This activity is a mandate of Constitution No. 12/2011 on the Formation of Legislation, where dissemination of regulations must be carried out to provide the widest possible information and obtain feedback. This topic was chosen because LAK is a strategic document, which is required from the start of design to operation, which contains a commitment that a nuclear power plant will be operated safely.” Haendra added that LAK is a means of communication between operators and supervisory bodies because this LAK document will develop from time to time. Haendra also opens opportunities for business actors who wish to deepen material regarding the preparation of LAK to communicate further with BAPETEN.

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The main event of this activity is a presentation related to Perba No. 11/2020 on the Preparation of a Power Reactor Safety Analysis Report, both the general description of the contents of the Perba and a review of the 3 (three) chapters in the LAK regulated in the Perba. The general presentation of the Perba was delivered by BAPETEN's Madya Radiation Supervisor, Bambang Eko Aryadi, who said that the purpose of Perba No. 11/2020, namely to guide the format and content of power reactor LAK for power reactor construction and operation license applicants.

The presentation was followed by a review of the preparation of the 3 (three) chapters in the LAK, which are regulated in Perba No. 11/2020 and presented by the Main Expert Researcher from the Nuclear Energy Research Organization-National Research and Innovation Agency (ORTN-BRIN) and the BAPETEN’s Madya Radiation Supervisor. After the presentation session was over, it was followed by a discussion and question and answer regarding these regulations.

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The counseling activity was closed by Haendra Subekti. In his closing remarks, Haendra expressed his gratitude for the presence of the participants as a form of support from the nuclear community for this activity. Haendra that this activity could provide benefits for the participants, through the various presentations and discussions that take place. [BHKK/AQ/Da/RA]

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