Coordination of Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization through Participatory Inspection, BAPETEN with the Provincial Health Office West Sumatra
Kembali 15 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In the current era of Business Licensing with OSS, the licensing process and supervision of business actors become one door under the coordination of the Ministry of Investment / BKPM which is the coordinator of Ministries / Institutions / Regions. With the licensing and supervision system made one door, inevitably all government agencies must collaborate to support each other in terms of licensing and supervision of business actors.

Supervision in terms of nuclear energy utilization is the duty and responsibility of BAPETEN. In carrying out these duties and responsibilities, BAPETEN cannot do it alone, because the object of BAPETEN's supervision intersects with other stakeholders. Among them are the Provincial Health Office which oversees several hospitals which are the object of BAPETEN's supervision.

For this reason, Deputy for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN Zainal Arifin and his entourage coordinated with the Provincial Health Office West Sumatra, which was received by the Head of Health Office Prov.West Sumatra Province Lila Yanwar, in preparation for collaboration in medical nuclear supervision to build public trust, on Monday, November 14, 2022.

The main thing discussed at the meeting was the similarity of perceptions in terms of nuclear supervision collaboration. The points discussed in the meeting were:

1. BAPETEN expressed readiness to collaborate with the Local Government.

2. The Health Office expressed openness to collaborate with the Central Government in terms of the Nuclear sector in the Medical field.

3.Medical in the West Sumatra region, there are constraints on Radiology Specialist Health Workers.

4.The Health Office expected the Central Government Policy related to Tele-Radiology, because the Central Government policy is related to the handling of diseases that contribute to high mortality rates.

5.There are obstacles in the field related to Hospital Licensing which is still not smooth, so it is hoped that there will be an assistance from the Central Government to provide a Policy for Issuing Recommendations / Permits under certain conditions.

6.The needs related to medical personnel that need to be met, compared to health facilities, are currently quite urgent. With the limitations of existing human resources, it is hoped that there will be a central government policy to solve the problems that occur.



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