Coordination Meeting on Radioisotope and Radiopharmaceutical Delivery Mechanism to Hospitals
Kembali 13 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN held a coordination meeting in order to improve the ease and acceleration of business licensing services, especially for producers and transferors of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals to hospitals, which was held in a hybrid manner on June 13, 2024, in Jakarta.

The coordination meeting was attended by the Directorate General of Land Transportation and Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations - Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Cargo Operations of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, producers of radioisotope radiopharmaceuticals, importers of radioisotope radiopharmaceuticals, hospitals with nuclear medicine facilities and hospitals that will establish nuclear medicine facilities spread throughout Indonesia, while from BAPETEN it was attended by Acting Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection, Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials, Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials and Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials.

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The event was opened by the Acting Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN, Wiryono, who said, "The delivery of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals is a very important activity in hospitals for diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine purposes, so it is necessary to know the delivery process according to regulations as an effort to improve coordination and synergy between BAPETEN and hospitals in terms of ensuring safety for more efficient and accountable delivery mechanisms and informing various parties regarding safety standards according to existing regulations. BAPETEN has an important role in ensuring the safety and security of radionuclide delivery".


The event featured guest speakers who delivered materials including a presentation on "Procedures for Licensing and Supervision of the Transportation of Special Dangerous Goods (Radioactive)" by Handa Lesmana, A.TD, MT as Head of Sub-Directorate of Goods Transportation - Directorate General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, a presentation on "Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 32 of 2022" by Bernandy Pasaoran Damanik, S.Ak as Staff of the Aircraft Operations Certification Section - Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations - Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, and a presentation on "Shipping Regulation Dangerous Goods (Radioactive)" by Wachyu Bahar Antariksa from Cargo Operations PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Meanwhile, from BAPETEN, there was a presentation on “Safe Transportation and Licensing Process of Radiopharmaceuticals in Indonesia” by Vatimah Zahrawati and a presentation on “Mechanism of Radioisotope and Radiopharmaceutical Production Licensing Process” by Iin Indartati as Coordinator of Health Facility Licensing Function Group—DPFRZR BAPETEN.

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Continued with discussion and Q&A from participants of the coordination meeting regarding obstacles faced in terms of sending radioactive materials via air with airplane flights, regulations related to sending and packaging radioactive materials that require special handling, and sending radioactive materials with short half-lives and their handling via air with airplane flights.

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At the end of the closing session by the Director of DPFRZR, Ishak said, “Thank you to the speakers and meeting participants who attended offline and online, the activities that went smoothly, and the enthusiasm of the participants was also high, becoming a means of exchanging information regarding the mechanism of sending radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, both for those that are running and will run. In principle, BAPETEN strives to provide services to the public in the production and delivery of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals so that the ladies and gentlemen present do not experience obstacles but still pay attention to the provisions of the laws that have been specifically stipulated and regulated in Government Regulation Number 58 of 2015 concerning Radiation Safety and Security in the Transportation of Radioactive Materials and BAPETEN Regulation No. 7 of 2020 on Safety Provisions and Procedures for the Transportation of Radioactive Materials. Where specifically discussing aspects of the transportation of radioactive materials, the mechanisms in the licensing process will refer to BAPETEN Regulation Number 1 of 2022 on the Management of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Energy Sector, as BAPETEN's commitment to providing the best in the implementation of licensing services." (Dwianges/DPFRZR/Ra/BHKK/Translator: GP)

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