Coordination Meeting for Participatory Supervision and Technology Innovation Development
Kembali 03 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

In the framework of the plan to develop participatory supervision and the use of technological innovation to support supervision in the development of the IT supervision system carried out by Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) through BAPETEN Licensing and Inspection System Online 2.0—Inspeksi Fasilitas Radiasi dan Zat Radioaktif (Balis—Infara), for this reason, BAPETEN held a coordination meeting in Jakarta on April 2-3, 2024.

The event was opened by the Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN Zainal Arifin, who, in his opening remarks, said, "Radiotherapy and nuclear medicine facilities (cancer diagnosis and therapy) continue to develop in all provinces in Indonesia. The development is also followed by the production and transportation of radiopharmaceuticals. For this reason, all parties must observe not only the utilization but also pay attention to the waste produced, whether it is in accordance with what has been stipulated by laws and regulations.".”

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"The concept of remote inspection using virtual phantoms sent online and Gafchromic films was developed by the Center for Research on Nuclear Safety, Metrology, and Quality Technology—Nuclear Energy Research Organization (PRTKMMN-ORTN), National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), enabling online supervision as one way to conduct dose audits on radiotherapy facilities. The plan is that this year, it will be carried out at several radiotherapy centers in the DKI Jakarta area and other areas," he added.

"Meanwhile, supervision of nuclear medicine (KN) is not only related to patients but also to the liquid waste produced and how the liquid waste is managed at the KN facility. For follow-up supervision of the facility, a BAPETEN Cooperation Agreement with BRIN will be drawn up regarding the implementation of training or assistance in supervision at the two facilities," he explained.

The development of participatory supervision and technological innovation needs to be carried out immediately, considering that the increasing number of radiotherapy facilities, which currently reach 54 radiotherapy centers, requires both inspectors and inspection funds. Inspections carried out by the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR) BAPETEN at radiotherapy and nuclear medicine facilities are experiencing difficulties due to the high queue of patients at radiotherapy facilities and other resources, so it is important to make breakthroughs in supervision at the two high-risk facilities.

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On that occasion, BAPETEN invited speakers from the PRTKMMN-ORTN BRIN. On the first day, the event was filled with a presentation on "Development of Radiotherapy Facility Safety Supervision in Indonesia" by DIFRZR BAPETEN Asep Saefulloh, a presentation on Radiotherapy Patient Dosimetry by BRIN, Discussion of the Radiation Facility and Radioactive Substance Inspection Innovation Plan, and Participatory and Balis Data Validation.

On the second day, the event continued with a presentation on "Monitoring and Supervision in the Utilization of Nuclear Medicine" by BRIN, a presentation on "Development of Radiation Safety Supervision in KN Liquid Waste" by BAPETEN, and a discussion. [DIFRZR/DwiCahyadi/BHKK/RA/SP/GP]

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