Coordination Meeting for Follow-up on Nuclear Legislation
Kembali 29 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a coordination meeting for the follow-up on nuclear legislation, Monday (29/03), in order to synchronize the nuclear legislation with Omnibus Law and its implementing regulations.

This coordination meeting (Rakor), which was held offline and online, discussed the follow-up to the nuclear legislation who governs licensing for non-business actors (revised Government Regulation (PP) No. 29 of 2008, the Draft of Government Regulations on Business and Licensing of Nuclear Minerals Mining, and he Draft of Government Regulations on Non-Tax State Revenue/PNBP).



To discuss the agenda, BAPETEN invited several related Ministries/Institutions to participate in this Rakor, namely the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of State Secretariat, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency.

Meanwhile from BAPETEN, presented the Director of Nuclear Installation and Materials Regulation, Director of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulation, Head of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau, Coordinator and Staffs from the Directorate of Nuclear Installation and Materials Regulation.



Rakor was opened by the Director of Nuclear Installation and Materials Regulation, Haendra Subekti. In his remarks, Haendra hoped that representatives from the ministry could provide their views regarding the laws and regulations in the nuclear sector that regulate licensing for non-business actors.

To give an overview what will be discussed at this Rakor, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment of BAPETEN Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, delivered a presentation related to the issue of nuclear regulation for non-business actors and PNBP. In her presentation, Dahlia explained that in PP No. 5/2021, has a scope only for Licensing of Business Actor, while Permit Arrangements for Non-Business Actor have not been accommodated.

Dahlia added that the regulation in PP No. 5 and the Draft of Agency Regulation (Raperba) of Business Standards has a very limited scope, in accordance with the format and content that has been determined. “Many provisions have not been regulated in PP No. 5 and the Raperba of Business Standards, as well as additional rules are needed regarding the management of business licenses and permits for non-business actors," she said.


In this regard, several ministries that were invited, give inputs, including the Deputy Chairman for Law and Legislation of the Ministry of State Secretariat Lydia Silvanna Djaman who suggested that the regulation of non-business actors carried out by Perba only, because the process is shorter, meanwhile, the process of PP is longer, so it takes a long time.

However, when it was announced that the process of Revision of PP 29 was almost complete, and it was only a matter of adding the permit for Non-Business actors, the Deputy Chairman for Law and Legislation of the Ministry of State Secretariat could approve the process.



The Head of Law, Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau of BAPETEN Indra Gunawan, emphasized the simplification of non-business actors' arrangements, then ensure the regulation, need strengthening for permit services to the public. And it is hoped that BAPETEN will immediately submit an amendment that regulates the follow-up/implementation of PP 5/2021.

As a solution to the discussion in this Rakor, it was decided related to the regulation of nuclear power for business actors using PP N0. 5/2021 whose derivatives are Perba on Business Standards and Perba on Mechanisms, Extensions, Sanctions, Supervision.

Meanwhile, for nuclear regulation for non-business actors, the PP on Licensing of Non-Nuclear Business Actors (SRP and BGN) and PP on Licensing of Nuclear Non-Business Actors (IN) will be proposed.


In this Rakor, Haendra hopes that the Head of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN Ardhien Nissa, who present offline, can become a leader in the preparation of this regulation, considering that BAPETEN is one of the K/Ls under the coordination of the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN.

In closing, Dahlia emphasized that the completion of this regulation will be carried out as soon as possible, so that in July this regulation can be implemented. [BHKK/Bams/OR/IP/RA]




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