Commemoration of the 112th National Awakening Day
Kembali 20 Mei 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Today, Wednesday, May 20, 2020 is the 112th National Awakening Day. Unlike the previous years that always held a Flag Ceremony commemorating National Awakening Day, this year, BAPETEN doesn’t hold the ceremony due to the widespread outbreak of the pandemic Covid-19 and Bapeten employees should do Work From Home (WFH).

The ceremony is still held virtually by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information on live streaming through:

As stated in a written remarks by the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia Johnny G. Plate, the objective of the 112th National Awakening Day 2020th is to continue nurture, growth and strengthen our mutual cooperation spirit as a basic foundation in carrying out development, to accelerate recovery our nation from the pandemic Covid-19 in the spirit of "Rise Up in a New Normal Optimism", which is the theme of the 112th National Awakening Day commemoration.


In his remarks, Johnny conveyed that the core of government policy in dealing with the crisis of pandemic Covid-19 are: first, placing public health as a priority, this was pursued by controlling the spread of Covid-19 and treating patients who were exposed. Second, the government set up social safety nets for the lower layer's society in order to remainable to meet basic needs and maintain purchasing power. Third, maintaining the main business community, especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to keep operating and able to maintain the absorption of their workforce.

At the end of his remarks, Johnny invited us to continue to knit the spirit of mutual cooperation, solidarity and subsidiarity that has been shown by Indonesian society for Advanced Indonesia (bams / bhkk).




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