Collaborative Strategy for Monitoring the Utilization of Nuclear Energy through Increasing the Capacity of TNI Human Resources related to Nuclear Security in the Context of Increasing Public Trust
Kembali 09 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten collaborated with TNI HR to hold a Nuclear Security Supervision Technical Guidance which was held on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 and was attended by 30 TNI Officer Education students from 3 (three) Batches at the Bapeten Building.

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The activity was opened by the Director of the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency preparedness (DKKN) Zulkarnain, who in his remarks said"Bapeten must be able to optimize the role of stakeholders in order to support nuclear security system programs. If in internationally world there is a Fron Line Officer / FLO, namely officers who are at the forefront, such as Customs, Police, Bakamla and including the TNI. Therefore, the role of the TNI is very important in order to support Indonesia's nuclear security program".

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This event was also attended by Deputy Chaiman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin. This technical guidance aims to provide an introduction to the potential Nuclear or Radioactive Threats so that they can carry out early detection and early prevention in the field, and use radiation measuring devices for detection purposes.

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The activity continued with a presentation from the Director of DKKN with the theme "Potential Nuclear Security Threats in Indonesia" which explained about potential nuclear security threats, nuclear security threat mapping, and nuclear security management. Furthermore, the presentation from the Engineering Function Group Coordinator Wita Kustiana with the theme "Radiation Hazard Effects and Safety Principles" and continued with the last presentation and usage practice regarding "Introduction to Radiation Measurement Tools" from the Engineering Function Group staff Nurman Rahmadi.

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The event was closed with a field visit to the DKKN laboratory. It is hoped that with this technical guidance, the collaboration and synergy of nuclear power supervision between BAPETEN and the TNI will increase. [BHKK/OR]

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