Coaching of The Electricity Law in Bangka Belitung
Kembali 14 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a Development Regulations on the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in The Subsector of Installation and Nuclear Materials and Subsector of Mining Nuclear Excavation Materials which was attended by 29 participants from various government agencies, academics, and Business Owners in Bangka Belitung Province, Tuesday (14/9).

The development organized by the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) BAPETEN aims to make business and local governments understand risk-based licensing to facilitate the licensing process that ultimately encourages the progress of nuclear energy utilization in Indonesia, stated by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga.



"This activity aims to disseminate the laws and regulations that have been promulgated and provide understanding to stakeholders about their application," she said.

Dahlia added that after the issuance of the Omnibus Law, there have been many published implementation regulations in the form of Government Regulation (PP). Bangka Belitung Province is one of the main purpose of this coaching due to the potential of radioactive minerals and the construction of nuclear installations.



"For this reason, stakeholders in Bangka Belitung are very important to get the latest information on applicable regulations and those that are being revised so that they can get a big picture of the regulatory framework," she said.



Furthermore, Dahlia said, in the field of electricity, almost all business activities have a high risk category, for that the fulfilment of technical requirements before and during business activities and the ease of effort climate must be optimal, so that business activities still meet the principles of safety. "Ignoring safety will also have an impact on business activities. For this reason BAPETEN as a supervisor so that in this case the interests of business owners, the community and the environment must be balanced in the context of sustainable development" she continued.



Meanwhile, the Executive Secretary of Bangka Belitung Province opened this event and delivered a speech read by Assistant General Administration Mulyono Susanto. He said on behalf of the provincial government of Bangka Belitung expressed his deepest gratitude to BAPETEN as the organizer of this event.

"Hopefully, with the activities of Development Regulations on the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in The Subsector of Installation and Nuclear Materials and Subsector of Mining Nuclear Excavation Materials organized by BAPETEN, it can improve the good relations between BAPETEN and the Provincial Government of Bangka Belitung and provide meaningful benefits and progress for the nation and the country," Mulyono explained.



At this event, Director of DP2IBN Haendra Subekti presented material related to Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Sector. Haendra said that the simplification and integration of the licensing system encourages the ease of starting low to high risk business activities in various sectors. Haendra also explained that the Relevant PP and Laws are in the process of revision to be adjusted to national regulations, the climate of ease of effort, community conditions and international conventions that have been ratified.

Non power Reactor Regulatory Coordinator Nur Syamsi Sham delivered a presentation on the Regulation of Risk-Based Licensing of the Nuclear Sector - Subsector of Installations and Nuclear Materials. In her presentation she said that all permits and provisions of the nuclear sector that have been issued are still valid until the period of end permit.

"The extension of permits or provisions of the tranquility sector and applications for permits and new provisions that have been submitted and are being processed will be completed under the Regulations of this Agency," he said.



The following presentation related to the Regulation of Licensing Based on Risk-Based Nuclear Sector of The Nuclear Excavation Subsector was delivered by Farid Noor Jusuf.

Also delivering the presentation, the Head of the Economic and Development Administration Bureau of the Secretariat of Bangka Belitung Province Ahmad Yani Hazir related to the Implementation of Risk-Based Licensing of the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector at the Regional Level. Ahmad Yani revealed that if the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has been built in Indonesia, then the Indonesian economy will jump high.

"Therefore, we should not worry about the ability of our own people. In this case I believe that BAPETEN and BATAN have been tested” he said.

The event continues with discussions related to the material that has been delivered by the source. After the discussion, the event was closed by Haendra during the day. Haendra said if there are obstacles in the application of the regulations contact BAPETEN. "The most important thing is the existence of effective communication between regulators in this case BAPETEN, business owners and the Provincial Government, so that compliance grows and the economy can also run well," haendra concluded. [BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]

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