Coaching of Risk-Based Licensing and Transportation of Radioactive Sources in the Industrial Field in Batam
Kembali 01 Juli 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) held a Risk-Based Licensing Development (OSS RBA) and Licensing of Radioactive Sources in the industrial field followed by business participants in the industrial sector in Riau Islands Province, on Tuesday-Wednesday. (30 June - 1 July 2021).

Risk-Based Licensing Development (OSS RBA) was carried out on the first day (30/6) which was opened by the Director of DPFRZR, Ishak. He was conveyed about accelerating risk-based licensing in line with the Government Program. "The Ionizing Radiation Utilization Permit System developed by BAPETEN is in line with the government program so that it has been integrated with Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) and Online Single Submission (OSS)".


The DPFRZR staffs as the speakers in this coaching. Coaching materials on the Integration of Balis Licensing BAPETEN and Online Single Submission (OSS) for Undamaged Test Activities were delivered by Dwi Susanti. While the material on the Transportation of Radioactive Sources in the field of Industry was delivered by Saifulloh.

Construction on Licensing of The Transportation of Radioactive Sources in the field of Industry was carried out on the second day (1/7). The event began with the opening by Director of DPFRZR Ishak, which continued with the delivery of material on the Integration of BAPETEN Licensing Balis and Online Single Submission (OSS), and Bapeten’s Regulation No. 3 of 2021 on Business Activity Standards and Product Standards on the Implementation of Risk-Based Licensing of the Nuclear Sector for the Type of Undamaged Test Activities (KBLI 71209) by Mukhlisin, Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group. The coaching material was further filled by Saifulloh on the Transportation of Radioactive Sources in the field of Industry.



After the presentation, licensing services and tutorials were carried out in synchronizing OSS with BALIS Licensing BAPETEN to business owner.

Through this activity, it is expected that business owner in the field of Industry, especially in Riau Islands Province, are ready to carry out Risk-Based Licensing (OSS RBA) and to improve safety and security factors in the Transportation of Radioactive Sources in the industrial field.

The event that took place in Batam City was carried out by strictly implementing health protocols. Participants are required to show negative antigen swab results and wear masks during the activity. [DPFRZR/Sunarya/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]

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