Coaching of Laws and Regulations in the Field of Nuclear Installations and Materials with Stakeholders
Kembali 23 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) organized a law enforcement development activity in the field of nuclear installation and materials with stakeholders themed Bapeten’s Regulation (Perba) no. 12 of 2020 on Classification of Structures, Systems and Installation Components online on Wednesday (06/23/2021).

The activity began with the submission of an activity report by Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials Haendra Subekti. He reported, "This coaching is one of the duties from the Supervisory Agency to disseminate information about the regulations that have been promulgated. The preparation of this Regulation began in 2019 and involved experts from existing nuclear installations in Indonesia, using international references from the IAEA and plus experience from experts and practitioners of nuclear agencies on the classification of Structures, Systems and Components (SSK)".



The event was opened by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga. She’s conveying "The classification of SSK in Perba no. 12 of 2020 is based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 54 of 2012 concerning the Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations article 13. For the classification of SSK will affect how the treatment of this SSK in the treatment while operating and also in the event of modification is very important. Regulatory Agency and permit applicants and all stakeholders must understand when establishing the Classification of SSK for both energy, non-energy, and non-reactor nuclear installations"



The event continued with the presentation of "Perba No. 12 of 2020 on Classification of Structures, Systems and Installation Components" by Catur Febriyanto Sutopo from DP2IBN. Catur describes the background of the Perba about SSK Classification and the description of the contents, among the weighing section, general provisions and provisions related to the SSK classification related to safety classes, seismic classes and quality classes.



The event continued with the presentation of "Classification of Structures, Systems, and Components at Nonreactor Nuclear Installations" by Antonio Gogo from Nuclear Fuel Technology Center (PTBBN) BATAN, "Classification of Structures, Systems, and Components in Non-Power Reactors" by Endiah Pujiastuti from Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety Center (PTKRN) BATAN, and "Classification of Structures, Systems, and Components on Power Reactors" by Sriyono from Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety Center (PTKRN) BATAN.



With the end of the presentation from the speakers, the activity continued with discussion sessions and QnA by the participants. Among these questions regarding adequate resources, seismic and non-seismic classes, supporting functions of SSK classification. The event was also attended by other Institutions namely Batan, business owner and Academics in Indonesia. [BHKK/OR/RA]

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