Closing of ASEANTOM 9th Annual Meeting 2022
Kembali 11 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

On the last day of the 9th Annual Meeting of the ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM), Thursday (11/08), Cambodia as the Chair of ASEANTOM 2022 stated that it closed this series of activities successfully. The activity, which was held online on August 8, 10 and 11, 2022, was closed by the Head of the Cambodian Delegation, Chan Sodavath, by expressing his gratitude to all member countries for their active participation in this meeting.

The activities on the third day began with several important sessions, presentations on the achievements of each technical working group (TWG) in the fields of Radiation Monitoring, Radiation and Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Preparedness, Nuclear Threat Assessment and Modeling, and Public Communication on Nuclear Emergency. The ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II in the field of nuclear energy development and APAEC and ASEANTOM cooperation plans were also presented by ASEAN Secretariat representative Thao Thi Thanh Nguyen, and Nuclear Energy Cooperation Sub-Sector Network (NEC-SSC) representative Michael O. Shincoruz.


The closing session was also preceded by the handover of the ASEANTOM Chairmanship baton for 2023 from Cambodia to Indonesia. In his speech, Sugeng Sumbarjo as Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN and Head of the Indonesian Delegation, humbly accepted the chairmanship of ASEANTOM for the first time. Indonesia also appreciates the success of Cambodia's chairmanship of ASEANTOM 2022, and accepts the chairmanship mandate with the aim of continuing the implementation of the unfulfilled work plan in 2022.

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Sugeng stated how important the collaboration of ASEANTOM member countries is for Indonesia, and will always support the organization's performance in strengthening the Southeast Asian region's capabilities in nuclear supervision through enriching information and best practice experiences in the fields of safety, security and nuclear safeguards. "Our hope has always been and will always be to continue to build strong relationships (among member countries), and will continue to strive to expand a network of qualified and trusted partnerships to help achieve the goals of ASEANTOM," he added. (BHKK/Yasser Ersyad/Octha Riau)

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