Category IV Irradiator Facility Licensing Verification at PT Rel-Ion Sterilization Services
Kembali 17 Desember 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) carried out field verification in the context of Category IV Irradiator Facility Licensing Verification to PT Rel-ion Sterilization Services on Wednesday, December 14-17, 2022. In this activity, representing BAPETEN was the Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group Mukhlisin and related staff.

The first day began with an entry meeting and listening to a presentation from PT Rel-ion Sterilization Services about the configuration of radioactive source placement, a report on the results of commissioning and a report on the results of measuring radioactive exposure. Then on the second day, an audit of 10 business licensing requirements was carried out and measured radiation exposure and checked the safety and security system of ionizing radiation sources.

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The third day continued with direct testing of safety parameters for weekly, monthly and six-month tests as well as commissioning tests and absorbed dose testing on samples of irradiated goods (dosimetry). On the fourth day, an exit meeting was held to deliver verification from the BAPETEN team and make a joint commitment with PT Rel-ion Sterilization Services to follow up on the findings submitted by the verification team.

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At the end of the activity, Mukhlisin said that PT Rel-ion Sterilization Services should immediately continue the license application process by applicable regulations and immediately follow up on the points of verification results following existing commitments so that a permit can be issued immediately as mandated by Law No. 10 of 1997. [DPFRZR/Sunarya/BHKK/Da/RA]

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