BAPETEN's Visit to Bantul in the Framework of Bencmark SPBE
Kembali 07 Desember 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, accompanied by the SPBE BAPETEN team, visited Bantul Government Office on Wednesday, 7 December 2022 in order to benchmark the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE). The Bantul Regency Government is one of the three best districts nationally with a very good SPBE index value of 3.62 in 2021 so that it became the three best districts in Indonesia besides Sumedang and Banyuwangi Regencies, previously the SPBE index value of the Bantul Government only reached a value of 1.84 in 2018.

After introducing the duties and functions of BAPETEN to the Regent of Bantul related to the supervision of nuclear energy utilization ranging from utilization in hospitals, industries, research to research reactors, one of which is located not far from Bantul district. On this occasion, the BAPETEN Team also provided information that all permits at BAPETEN had been carried out on-line through the Balis system, then Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN and the SPBE team discussed in depth about the tips for the success of the Bantul Regency Government in achieving excellent achievements at the national level. The Regent of Bantul was accompanied by the Head of Communication and Information Agency Ariffi'aidin, Head of e-Government Governance, Information Applications and Statistics Sri Mulyani, and Secretary of Bantul Regency Fenty Yusdayati.

imgkontenIn his presentation, the Regent of Bantul, H Abdul Halim Muslih said that the most important thing is the commitment of high leaders in an institution, besides that the improvement of human resource capabilities must be improved both forcibly by the system and by technical training, a good level of maturity of SPBE will improve service and public trust. A good SPBE will cause services to be fast, accurate and not troublesome for the community. Even so, the Regent of Bantul is still not satisfied with the existing achievements and will still make improvements on various sides, especially in the fiber optic network infrastructure in Bantul district so that all villages in Bantul can be served electronically properly.

imgkontenAt the end of the discussion, Sugeng said that BAPETEN assessed that the Bantul Regency Government was very committed to a very strong leadership policy and had a deep understanding, and BAPETEN should not be ashamed to learn from various parties, In the future cooperation with the Bantul Government and especially the Bantul Government Communication and Information will be carried out more intensely. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)


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