Bapeten with the House of Representatives of the Republic Indonesia held a Dissemination of Supervision for Nuclear Energy Utilization in Surabaya
Kembali 16 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN conducts dissemination activities with the aim of introducing public knowledge about BAPETEN's role in nuclear energy supervision. The dissemination is an activity with the aim of providing an introduction to the safe use of nuclear energy and can be seen in everyday life. So the public can understand about the benefits of nuclear energy appropriately and correctly. Bapeten together with Members of Commission VII of the House of Representatives of the Republic Indonesia (DPR) held an activity "Dissemination of Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Surabaya, East Java" (16/11).

This socialization was attended by 100 participants and began with a joint prayer and continued with remarks from Member of Commission VII DPR Bambang Dwi Hartono who said "In the past people heard the word 'Surgery' then the first thing that came to our mind was bleeding, wounds, expensive costs, when in fact not all operations are bloody and require large costs. ‘Nuclear’ that comes to mind first in our minds is a nuclear bomb,explosions, radiation, when in fact nuclear can be used in our lives safely" beside speech, he also added material related to examples of nuclear use in people's lives.



Muhammad Sujana Prawira as the Sub-Coordinator of Legal Advocacy of BAPETEN said "BAPETEN is a Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency formed by the state to oversee the use and utilization of nuclear around, often nuclear is considered scary, with that we are here to share information related to the benefits of nuclear energy in people's daily lives".



In his presentation, he also added, "Most of these participants are millennials, they are still students, what do you think nuclear energy can be used for? We can see its use in the fields of health, industry, food, agriculture, food preservation even now nuclear can also be used in the use of green energy or new energy".



As for the introduction to the community related to nuclear energy around us, actually what can be seen everyday such as found in fruits and vegetables examples bananas, carrots, spinach, not only that as for how to process or preserve food, and the development of seeds into superior varieties. The impact of exposure to radioactive sources is also divided into 2, namely deterministic (direct) and stochastic (not directly).



The event was closed with some questions from the participants. (BHKK/CD/OR/RA)

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