BAPETEN Welcomed the Jaif International Cooperation Center (JICC) Team
Kembali 16 September 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN and the team from Jaif International Cooperation Center (JICC) had held a meeting in BAPETEN’s Office, 16th of August 2019. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Yus Rusdian Akhmad and also several corresponding officials from BAPETEN.

Members of JICC team were Daigo Minoshima (METI), Akio Toba (JICC), and Hiroki Takimoto (JICC). Daigo Minoshima stated that the objective of the visit was to offer cooperation in capacity building. “We are concentrating on capacity building, not on public hearing,” he said.

Furthermore, Minoshima stated that JICC could cooperate with commercial industry practitioners in formulating the regulation, and surely had rich experience in Nuclear Power Plant.

BAPETEN welcomed the visit because it could be a base to manage a forum where the two countries represented could exchange valuable information and experience with one another.


In accordance to the regulation which has been a mandate for BAPETEN, Yus Rusdian explained that the system in Indonesia separate the regulation for commercial and non-commercial reactor.

He also stated that at the time West Kalimantan had intention to have a good and reliable power source. Currently they were importing the power from Malaysia.

“Kalimantan wants to have an affordable electricity source so they have planned to build a power center which one of them is from SMR,” Yus Rusdian revealed.

The Head of Center of NIM Regulatory Assessment Judi Pramono described that as an international TSO, BAPETEN has the responsibility in capacity building, supporting other technical units in BAPETEN, assessing SMR and many other facilities for infrastructure and light laboratory to support the duty as a regulatory body.


The Head of Sub-directorate of Power Reactor Regulation, Directorate of NIM Regulation, Bambang Eko Aryadi who also attended the meeting expressed his opinion regarding the challenge his unit faced. “When IAEA made the regulation for SMR by taking around 80% reference from LWR, to us it has become a distinctive challenge to formulate such regulation,” he said. [DP2IBN/ZUL/BHKK/BAM]

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