BAPETEN Receives an Audience from the Indonesian New Nuclear Energy Society (MEBNI)
Kembali 26 Februari 2025 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN received a visit from the Indonesian New Nuclear Energy Society (MEBNI) on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. The meeting was attended by MEBNI Chairman Arnold Soetrisno and his team, while BAPETEN was represented by Acting Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection (PI) Zainal Arifin, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) Haendra Subekti, along with several Primary High Officials at BAPETEN.

During the meeting, Arnold introduced the organizations profile and shared MEBNIs upcoming plan to hold a workshop involving BAPETEN, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KemenESDM), and power plant operators in Indonesia.



In the opening and welcoming remarks, Sugeng explained the business processes within BAPETEN. He also stated that Nuclear Power Plants (PLTN) can now be built, and BAPETEN will ensure safety through the 3S consultation mechanism—safety, security, and safeguards. BAPETEN also appreciated the workshop plan but emphasized that it would focus on the licensing process and providing an understanding of PLTN selection.


Next, Zainal mentioned that the licensing process would commence once the Prospective License Holder submits an application. As one of the agencies responsible for overseeing the KBLI, BAPETEN will monitor all nuclear business processes. He also highlighted the importance of such meetings in coordinating nuclear-related activities and added that the Draft Amendment to the Nuclear Energy Law is currently being prepared and is in the finalization process. BAPETEN welcomes all institutions and organizations seeking to coordinate, including those planning to hold workshops. Through these workshops, it is expected that relevant Ministries/Agencies will gain a better understanding of nuclear energy, particularly its use in electricity generation. The workshops can also serve as a platform to gather information and receive input on the development of nuclear energy in Indonesia, ensuring that potential obstacles during the construction of Nuclear Power Plants (PLTN) can be minimized. (DP2IBN/Zakki/BHKK/NA/Da/TranslatorNA)

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