BAPETEN Receive Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccination
Kembali 07 April 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held the Second Dose of Covid-19 vaccination to provide immunity against Covid-19 for 513 employees of BAPETEN, on Wednesday, 7 April 2021 which coincided with World Health Day.

Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, who got the first vaccine injection, said "Because this is the second dose, we already have experience and not afraid anymore, and hopefully all BAPETEN employees can be healthier with this vaccination".

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"This vaccination not necessarily make us immune to Covid-19. We must remain careful and adhere to health protocols. This is an effort so all of us can be healthy and free from the pandemic," he added.

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Health expert, Hasbullah Thabrany explained that the Covid-19 vaccine is not a drug that has a formula. A vaccine is a part of a virus that has been weakened or unable to spread disease, and then injected into the body.

"The benefit of this Covid-19 vaccine is as a trainer for our body, so that it can recognize this dangerous virus," said Hasbullah.

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The Covid-19 vaccine works to kill the virus that enters the body. However, Hasbullah also said that the Covid-19 vaccine did not prevent the virus from entering the body.

“If the virus has entered the body and just got vaccinated, it can kill. So, not to prevent entering the virus. This means, even though vaccinated, 3M (washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance) still has to be done," he said.

Hasbullah also said that the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine was around 90%. Thus, there is still 10% chance that will be exposed to Covid-19. That's why, double protection is needed while still implementing health protocols with 3M.

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This vaccination involves personnel from BAPETEN, Ministry of Health, Jakarta Health Facility Security Center, Prikasih South Jakarta Hospital and Gambir Public Health Center. [BHKK/OR/Bams/IP/RA]




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