BAPETEN Office Administration and Governance Training for Civil Servant Candidates
Kembali 15 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Good office management will have an impact on efficiency and effectiveness, because the office is the center of the administrative system. Personnel involved in office activities must have adequate and up-to-date knowledge of office administration. For that, BAPETEN held "BAPETEN Office Administration and Governance Training".

The training began with a report from the Head of the Education and Training Center (BDL) BAPETEN Lukman Hakim, who report, “This training aims to provide an understanding of administration and governance in BAPETEN. The background of this training is in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 5/2015 concerning Civil Servant (ASN) that ASN has the right to obtain competency development to qualify job competency requirements and support the implementation of tasks. In addition to technical competence, ASN also requires an understanding of administration and governance that applies in government institutions. This training, which will conduct on 15-19 March 2021 and carried out using online learning method, will be attended by 71 participants from all work units in BAPETEN”.



The event was opened by the Executive Secretary of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo. In his opening remarks, Sugeng said, “This training aims to increase the basic competencies of new Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS). These competencies can support all of you in carrying out your functions in your units. Although this is mandatory for CPNS, there are also government employee non civil servant who join this training. This training is good, especially for those who are directly related to the introduction of administration and governance. If we become employees, we must get used to drafting letters. The simplest administration requested by the supervisor is to make a letter. There are several types of letters, such as Memos, Official Notes and other official letters, and you must know the difference.”

“These basic competencies are mandatory for all employees in carrying out bureaucratic reform. Our bureaucratic reform program focuses on governance, all employees are required to make basic changes in all aspects."



"In addition to the bureaucratic reform program, we also have a challenge, namely the existence of industry 4.0 which is also a challenge and consideration for BAPETEN in carrying out administrative governance for the use of industry 4.0. Hopefully, this training will run smoothly and work well, so that all of you can make a real contribution to the implementation of bureaucratic reform in BAPETEN,” he added.

This 5-day training will learn about Administrative Policies and Governance, Management of the State Budget, Government Financial Administration, Management of State Property, Administration of Official Manuscripts, Letters and Archives. [BHKK/SP/IP/RA]







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