BAPETEN Holds Virtual Protocol Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Kembali 05 September 2023 | Berita BAPETEN

In an effort to improve the quality of performance and effectiveness of BAPETEN protocol services, and to provide knowledge and insight to all stakeholders about the importance of protocols for an organization, BAPETEN held a Protocol FGD, on Tuesday 5 September 2023.

The FGD was attended by no less than 100 participants virtually and presented speakers in the field of protocol, namely Sandra Erawanto, Widyaiswara from the Ministry of State Secretariat who delivered material on "Implementation of Law Number 9 of 2010 on Ministries and Institutions", and resource persons for Diplomat Functional Officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hanif Salim who delivered material on "Functions and Roles of Protocol and Its Role in International Diplomacyā€¯.



The event was opened by the Head of Bureau ofOrganisation and General Services Dedik Eko Sumargo and attended by Plh. Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Dahlia C. Sinaga, several Primary High Officials BAPETEN, namely Head of Internal Auditors Hery Budi Santoso, Head of Bureau of Planning, Information and Finance Achmad Busamah, Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Zulkarnain, and Coodinators, Sub Coordinators and several related staff within BAPETEN.


Dedik said, this activity aims to improve the quality of performance and effectiveness of BAPETEN protocol services, and to provide knowledge and insight to all stakeholders about the importance of protocols for an organization. In addition, the FGD also aims to obtain input for the BAPETEN Draft Regulation on Protocol which is currently in the process of joint preparation between the Bureau ofOrganisation and General Services and the Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication.

The purpose of Protocol activities is the regulation of venues, ceremonies, respects and ethics. Protocol activities are very important for an organization / institution and for the smooth running of activities for leaders. "Protocol activities cannot be separated from effective communication strategies, attitudes and knowledge of protocol regulations that must be mastered by a Protocol officer," said Dedik.

imgkontenRegarding the absence of Functional Positions, especially for Protocol Officers, Dedik said, "It is hoped that the existence of Law Number 9 of 2010 and PP 56 of 2019 can provide a legal umbrella for the formation of Certain Functional Positions for employees in charge of protocol activities, so that protocol work can be in line with types of work such as: archival with JF. Archivist, public relations with JF. Public Relations Institutions and other JFTs that have been regulated by laws and regulations," he hoped.

imgkontenSandra Erawanto, explained, "If the protocol service is not implemented properly, there is no doubt, but it can be said that we have harassed the official because we cannot place the official properly, in accordance with his position," he said.

"In order to carry out protocol duties optimally, the motto "Serving To Be Happy" can be applied, so that respect is not only for officials but also for community leaders and local scholars, even for ordinary people. To them the words we convey, the smiles we give should not be differentiated, if we serve as a protocol who serves," Sandra explained.

imgkontenSandra further explained, what needs to be maintained in our duty as a protocol is civility or ethics, the way we behave in serving leaders and staff, do not be too differentiated, service. "The point is not only the leadership that must be happy, including staff also need to be served according to their portion," said Sandra.

Serving leaders in accordance with their position is not solely to serve these leaders but in order to improve the dignity of the institution and maintain the honor of the institution. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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