BAPETEN Holds 2021 Nuclear Safety Inspector Coordination Meeting
Kembali 26 Februari 2021 | Berita BAPETENIn order to improve the implementation of surveillance inspections to be efficient, effective and professional, BAPETEN held a virtual Coordination Meeting (Rakor) of Nuclear Safety Inspectors 2021 opened by the Chairman of BAPETEN with the theme "Improving The Quality of Participatory Inspections with Certified Inspectors" (26/2).
The event was preceded by a report by the Rakor committee submitted by the Director of Inspection for Nuclear Installation and Matrials (DIIBN), Amil Mardha. In his report, Amil said that the theme was chosen this year, because Directorate of Inspection for Radiation facilities and Radioactive Sources (DIFRZR) and DIIBN considered that the improvement and development of competencies for inspectors needs to be more considered and affirmed. "With the standardization of competencies that have been mapped from the standardization, the next step is to get recognition through a certification scheme that must be recognized both nationally and internationally" he said.
"The certification means that every inspector assigned to carry out one of the supervisory duties can be assured and ensured that it is in accordance with existing standards, therefore it can result in better inspection quality. This of course and will have a long-term impact, that Bapeten to be a supervisory institution utilization of nuclear energy that is more competent and credible in the eyes of stakeholders" Amil added.
Furthermore, Amil also invited speakers from the Ministry of Manpower who understand in terms of competence and professional certification. In addition, this meeting is also an open space to get feedback on improvements from the forum and the success of this inspection function task will not work without the support of the relevant Work Unit.
Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto supported Bapeten inspectors were certified to achieve professional, effective and efficient supervision.
"This inspector certification will grow trust from the public, especially stakeholders, therefore this certification must be done by institutions that are also certified and have reputable" he said.
Regarding the problem of digital transformation Jazi said " through digital transformation when there is counterfeiting will be detected immediately, as well as when there is no match will be detected. The conclusion is through the optimization of IT technology. For example through online B@lis we can know the picture of nuclear waste in Indonesia as well as the picture of the nuclear industry in the future" he said.
Furthermore, Jazi described the challenges in the era of globalization and competitive markets demanding the durability and competitiveness of a group, community, organization and country in the form of human resource development as an "intellectual asset" to be one of the important factors in supporting productivity and competitive advantage of the company.
To rakor participants consisting of BAPETEN Inspectors, Assistant Inspectors, Apprentice Inspectors and special invitations Jazi congratulated the Inspector's Coordination Meeting and hoped that the implementation of the inspection will be better quality.
In this meeting presented material on "Bapeten Inspection Supervision Policy in the New Normal Period" by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Zainal Arifin, presentation and discussion of evaluation and planning of IBN and FRZR Inspection by Coordonator of DIIBN and DIFRZR. There was also a Presentation and discussion, "Mapping Competency and Certification of Personnel in Improving The Quality of Inspection Supervision" with speaker Muchtar Azis from the Directorate of Competency Standardization and Job Training of the Ministry of Manpower and presentation and discussion: "Law No.11, 2020 on Work Copyright and RPP on Standard Norms of Procedures and Criteria (NSPK)" by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment.(BHKK/OR/Bams/RA).
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