BAPETEN Handed Over Static Archives to ANRI to Save State Archives
Kembali 22 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

To save state archives, BAPETEN submitted substantive classification static archives to the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) on Tuesday, November 22, 2022. State Archives are archives that are financed from the state budget. The archives submitted are permanent following with the Archive Retention Schedule.

The moment of submission of this archive was carried out through the activities of the National Static Archive Submission Coordination Meeting (Rakor) organized by the Deputy for Archive Conservation - ANRI. Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo together with the Director of Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Materials Budi Rohman, attended the Coordination Meeting to hand over static archives to the Head of ANRI and signed the Minutes of Handover of Static Archives.

Head of ANRI Imam Gunarto said that the archives submitted to ANRI are a mandate so that people can utilize the information contained in the archives to improve their welfare. The archive of an institution is part of the nation's collective memory, while the nation's collective memory is part of the world's collective memory.

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The nation's collective memory is part of human civilization and regional collective memory. So that archives are very important to maintain the Republic of Indonesia and its national ideals as mandated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

This year is the fifth time, BAPETEN has submitted Static Archives to the ANRI Archives Institute, while the submission of Substantive classification Static Archives is the third time this year.

As is known, Substantive Archives are archives generated from the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the institution as the Nuclear Power Utilization Supervisory Agency in Indonesia. The Static Archives of the Substantive classification include the 2018 and 2019 Study Reports from the Processing Unit of the Center for the Assessment of Systems and Technology for Supervision of Nuclear Installations and Materials (P2STPIBN) and the Archive of Administrative Decisions (KTUN) for Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Materials from 2003 to 2018 from the Processing Unit of the Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DPIBN).


Previously, BAPETEN had submitted substantive classification static archives in the form of a Study Report from the Head of Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR) and Radiation Measurement Equipment Calibration Certificate Archives from the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) in 2021.


The number of archives submitted was 7 boxes, consisting of 6 boxes containing Archives of State Administrative Decisions (KTUN) Licensing for Nuclear Installations and Materials in 2015 along with their supporting files. One other box contains archives of 3 Study Reports, including:

1. High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) Safety Study Fiscal Year 2018 along with its supporting archives.

2. Research Reactor Safety Study in the framework of the Incident Reporting System for Research Reactors (IRSRR) Fiscal Year 2018 along with its supporting archives.

3. Review of BAPETEN's Supervision Culture for the 2019 Budget Year along with supporting archives.

In this coordination meeting, there were 27 agencies and 1 public figure who submitted static archives. ANRI highly appreciates agencies that have saved state archives and preserved the nation's collective memory. BAPETEN's future target will routinely submit static archives to ANRI resulting from tasks and functions in the context of saving state archives, as performance accountability and proof of accountability in the life of society, nation and state as well as the identity and collective memory of the nation. [BOU/Rizki Parhani/BHKK/Bams/Da/RA]

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