Bapeten Audit by Ministry of Investment/BKPM
Kembali 31 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

As a fulfilment of the implementation from Accelerated Implementation of Efforts (PPB), the Ministry of Investment/BKPM through PT. Sucofindo conducted field verification at the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources, Monday 31 May 2021. The meeting was attended by a team of Surveyors from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM with PT Sucofindo, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection, Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, Director of Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Materials, Director of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources, representative of the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources, representative of the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials, representative of the Planning, Information and Finance Bureau, coordinators and staff of the related work units at BAPETEN.

Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin said "BAPETEN is one of the institutions that organizes licensing, especially nuclear both radioactive sources and nuclear materials, and it has been online since 2016 and the pioneer in Indonesia National Single Windows (INSW). With online licensing, BAPETEN can serve the entire region from Sabang to Merauke without limited places and constrained by time. Balis licensing that has been connected OSS in its implementation will be conducted a United Nations (PBB) performance assessment by Sucofindo. Here licensing is also supported by regulations, inspections and IT parts of BAPETEN." Continued with a presentation by the Coordinator of the Research and Industry Licensing Function Group Mukhlisin “Performance Assessment of Accelerated Implementation of Effort – OSS at BAPETEN”.


There was also a directive related to the assessment from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM by the Regional Investment Licensing Monitoring Cooperation Agus Suwondo. He said "checks and validation of self-assessments have previously been filled by BAPETEN, with an assessment period from January - December 2020. This activity is to assess the results of self-assessment based on Government Regulation (PP) No.24 of 2018, where BAPETEN in self-assessment obtained a value of 100 and the hope is that BAPETEN has no loopholes and can provide and complement if there is a deficiency in the assessment, conducted by surveyors from PT.Sucofindo".


The scope of PPB assessment is measured based on criteria:

  1. The preparation of norms, standards, procedures and licensing criteria in accordance with its authority mandated by laws and regulations in the field of accelerating the implementation of efforts and regulations on the implementation of licensing trying to integrate electronically,
  2. Reform of the implementation from attempted licensing and its implementation supervision in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations,
  3. Connection with the OSS system


Field verification is scheduled for 2 days, where the first day has been checked the completeness of documents according to criteria and then will be rescheduled on Friday, 4 June 2021. The results of the interim assessment, BAPETEN will complete the lack of evidence of internal activities that will be submitted at the next meeting. [DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/OR/RA]

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