BAPETEN Agrees to Cooperate with Ahmad Dahlan University
Kembali 03 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN and Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement which marked the beginning of cooperation in increasing supervision in the field of diagnostic and interventional radiology through X-ray aircraft suitability tests on Monday (23/05), at Campus 4 UAD, Yogyakarta. This collaboration is motivated by the importance from ensuring that the implementation of the suitability test for X-ray aircraft is carried out safely so that protection for patients, workers, and the community can be achieved.

The Memorandum of Understanding entitled "Education, Research, and Community Service Related to Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization" was signed by Plt. BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo, and the Rector of UAD, Muchlas. This Memorandum of Understanding is the implementation of cooperation contained in the Cooperation Agreement on "Cooperation in the Field of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Supervision through X-ray Aircraft Conformity Test," signed by Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Zulkarnain and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST) UAD Imam Azhari.



Muchlas said that the sustainability of UAD was greatly influenced by the performance of its business units. In this case, FAST UAD and the Physics Study Program have an X-ray aircraft calibration business unit, namely PT. Adi Multi Calibration, who helps the operation of the UAD Physics Study Program. "FAST has been able to sustain business by using a knowledge-based economy. Therefore, the Physics Study Program can be said to be the center of excellence of UAD." Muchlas also gave full support for the implementation of this cooperation.

Sugeng conveyed about the paradigm shift in business processes at BAPETEN as a result of the pandemic. "The manual paradigm becomes automated. This is included in the implementation of licensing services which are currently 100% paperless. The information system has been integrated with the OSS, nationally in order to simplify the bureaucracy." Sugeng emphasized that this cooperation is not only on paper, but the activity plan that has been agreed in the cooperation matrix to be achieved within a period of 5 (five) years must be realized.


The signing ceremony of the cooperation manuscript was also attended by Directorate of Technical Support and emergency Preparedness, Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs Cooperation and Public Communication, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Rusydi Umar, Chairman of LPPM Anton Yudhana, Chairman of KKUI Dwi Santoso, Head of The University Office Raden Muhammad Ali. This cooperation is valid for three years. [BHKK/Yasser/Octha/RA]

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